Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.


Popping Popular Privatization Myths

  • July 16, 2012

When short on facts, blow a lot of hot air. That’s the strategy of liquor store union boss Wendell Young IV. Wendell and I were panelists on a recent Delaware County…


Read More: Popping Popular Privatization Myths


Liquor Privatization: Just the Facts

  • July 16, 2012

In a recent Delaware County Times webcast on Pennsylvania liquor store privatization, on which I was a panelist, there was a great deal of information thrown into the mix which may have…


Read More: Liquor Privatization: Just the Facts

Taxes & Economy

Welfare: Don’t Repudiate Resounding Results, Replicate Reform

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 16, 2012

A new move from the Obama administration would waive work requirements under TANF (cash assistance). Requiring recipients to work was a central provision of the highly successful 1996 welfare…


Read More: Welfare: Don’t Repudiate Resounding Results, Replicate Reform

Health Care

ACA Encourages Young & Healthy to Stay Uninsured

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Nathan Benefield
  • July 12, 2012

An AP article claims the Affordable Care Act will lower the cost of insurance for young adults through a host of government interventions such as new mandates, Medicaid…


Read More: ACA Encourages Young & Healthy to Stay Uninsured

Health Care

States Take a Stand Against Medicaid Expansion

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 10, 2012

The Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act would cost Pennsylvania an additional $2 billion through 2019, should the commonwealth participate.  That represents merely the state share, as taxes…


Read More: States Take a Stand Against Medicaid Expansion

Health Care

What if Congress Passed the “TV Mandate”?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 9, 2012

A friend of mine recently purchased a new flat screen TV, getting a no-interest loan for three years to finance it. He remarked in amazement at this wonder, noting he…


Read More: What if Congress Passed the “TV Mandate”?

Taxes & Economy

EPA Wants to Scare Jobs Out of Pennsylvania

  • July 6, 2012

The Environmental Protection Agency’s derailing of American’s economy is frightening enough to scare even the Ghostbusters (and they ain’t afraid of no ghost). Pennsylvania will be the 7th hardest hit…


Read More: EPA Wants to Scare Jobs Out of Pennsylvania

Taxes & Economy

This Independence Day, You and I Have No Right

  • Charles Mitchell
  • July 4, 2012

This morning, spurred by a blog post by Bill Kristol, I’ve been reading an Independence Day oration given by the famed abolitionist Frederick Douglass in 1852, during the run-up to…


Read More: This Independence Day, You and I Have No Right

State Budget

Olympic Hurdles Grab for Gold in Pennsylvania Budget

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 3, 2012

This July signals the beginning and end of two feats requiring amazing determination, stamina and perseverance—the start of the 2012 Summer Olympics and the on-time passage of the Pennsylvania state…


Read More: Olympic Hurdles Grab for Gold in Pennsylvania Budget

Health Care

State Officials Have the Power to Stop Federal Health Care

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 3, 2012

The Supreme Court health care ruling last week gave Pennsylvania two opportunities to undermine the Affordable Care Act. States can decline to set up a state exchange and choose not…


Read More: State Officials Have the Power to Stop Federal Health Care

Taxes & Economy

How Attractive is Pennsylvania Drilling in 2012?

  • July 3, 2012

Back in 2010, Pennsylvania was as attractive to drill in as Cambodia. The state ranked 66th out of 133 jurisdictions worldwide, according to the Fraser Institute’s Global Petroleum…


Read More: How Attractive is Pennsylvania Drilling in 2012?

State Budget

What’s In It for You – Budget Review

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 2, 2012

With only minutes to spare Saturday night, Gov. Corbett signed his second on-time budget without increasing taxes and limiting spending growth to less than inflation and population growth. Here’s what…


Read More: What’s In It for You – Budget Review

State Budget

Of Milestones and Things Left Undone | WEEKLY UPDATE

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • July 2, 2012

Do you get CF’s WEEKLY UPDATE every Monday?  If not, here’s what you’re missing.  Sign up here so you don’t miss next week’s message!    …


Read More: Of Milestones and Things Left Undone | WEEKLY UPDATE

Criminal Justice Reform

Pennsylvania Passes Proven Prison Reform

  • June 29, 2012

Pennsylvania's inmate population and rate of recidivism have reached crisis levels in recent years.  Since 1980, Pennsylvania's inmate population increased over 500% between 1980 and 2009. …


Read More: Pennsylvania Passes Proven Prison Reform

Taxes & Economy

Chart: A Decade of State Spending Growth

  • June 29, 2012

State policymakers agreed on a budget deal that includes $27.7 billion in General Fund spending. This budget deal represents a $6.8 billion, or 36.1 percent, increase in General Fund spending…


Read More: Chart: A Decade of State Spending Growth


Temple Tuition Tamp-Down Shows Wake-Up Calls Work

  • Charles Mitchell
  • June 29, 2012

During last year’s budget season, I was pretty critical of Temple University for raising tuition by ten percent while its administrators joined in the Chicken Little routine (“The sky…


Read More: Temple Tuition Tamp-Down Shows Wake-Up Calls Work

Criminal Justice Reform

Pennsylvania Passes Landmark Corrections Reform

  • June 28, 2012

On Monday, Pennsylvania passed landmark legislation to replace decades of ineffective and expensive corrections policies with reforms that make our communities safer and save taxpayers money.   Commonwealth Foundation thanks…


Read More: Pennsylvania Passes Landmark Corrections Reform

Health Care

Constitutional, but Still Unaffordable, Unsustainable and Nonsensical

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • June 28, 2012

My response to today’s Supreme Court of the United States ruling on President Obama’s healthcare reform law: Just because something is ruled Constitutional doesn’t make it affordable, sustainable or…


Read More: Constitutional, but Still Unaffordable, Unsustainable and Nonsensical

Taxes & Economy

Welfare is Number One in New Budget

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 27, 2012

Pennsylvania taxpayers will once again spend more on welfare than any other department in the General Fund, including education, according to newly released budget spreadsheets (based on the tentative…


Read More: Welfare is Number One in New Budget


Would You Rather Kids Share Books, or Get Booked?

  • Charles Mitchell
  • June 26, 2012

I’m writing right now from the road, specifically from the poorest city in America:  Reading, Pennsylvania.  Reading is one of the cities mentioned in today’s CF news release pointing…


Read More: Would You Rather Kids Share Books, or Get Booked?

Public Union Democracy

Unions Fight Flexible Funding

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 25, 2012

Gov. Corbett’s budget proposed combining five county human services programs into one flexible block grant. In the past, state legislation dictated how much counties could spend under each category, regardless…


Read More: Unions Fight Flexible Funding