Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.


Top 5 Ways Liquor Monopoly Wastes Your Money

  • May 30, 2012

There’s good reason why other states, like Washington, have moved to get government out of the booze business, and aren’t looking to copy Pennsylvania’s flawed monopoly model.  This post…


Read More: Top 5 Ways Liquor Monopoly Wastes Your Money


Readers Ask, We Answer: Education Spending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 30, 2012

A reader asked us to help clarify the claims of Yinzercation blog on state education subsidies. The blogger claims the Corbett administration is being disingenuous about state K-12 education…


Read More: Readers Ask, We Answer: Education Spending


$27B + $15K = What?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 29, 2012

The Pennsylvania Department of Education recently released school financial data for the 2010-11 school year. The latest data shows public school spending and revenue increased yet again in 2011,…


Read More: $27B + $15K = What?

Criminal Justice Reform

How YOU Benefit if Lawmakers Act on Corrections

  • May 29, 2012

Correcting the commonwealth’s criminal justice system is urgent. This is why Gov. Tom Corbett made it clear that he wants to see reform legislation on his desk by June…


Read More: How YOU Benefit if Lawmakers Act on Corrections

Public Union Democracy

The Booze Business is a Lose Business for Taxpayers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 24, 2012

I heard on the radio this week another ridiculous ad against allowing retail stores to sell wine or liquor, funded by UFCW dues to play on stations across…


Read More: The Booze Business is a Lose Business for Taxpayers

Criminal Justice Reform

Gov. Corbett Is Right: Real Corrections Reform, Right Now

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • May 23, 2012

We here at CF are proud to be part, along with Gov. George M. Leader, his family, and many others, of a transpartisan coalition favoring “real corrections reform, right…


Read More: Gov. Corbett Is Right: Real Corrections Reform, Right Now

Criminal Justice Reform

Corrections Coalition, Dynamic Duo Dandy Says Patriot

  • May 22, 2012

Hats off to the Patriot-News Editorial Board for calling for an end to the status quo approach to criminal justice that has failed Pennsylvanians. Today’s editorial highlights the dynamic…


Read More: Corrections Coalition, Dynamic Duo Dandy Says Patriot

Criminal Justice Reform

Commonsense Can Correct Corrections

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • May 22, 2012

Kyle, a convicted burglar sentenced to 1-3 years in Pennsylvania state prison, was granted parole in June 2011, but spent an extra 100 days in jail, not because he failed…


Read More: Commonsense Can Correct Corrections


Pennsylvania’s Economy Struggles to Compete

  • May 22, 2012

In three separate studies on the state’s economic competitiveness and business climates, Pennsylvania remains near the bottom of the pack. The 2012 Alec-Laffer Economic Competitiveness Index, ranks states economic…


Read More: Pennsylvania’s Economy Struggles to Compete

Public Union Democracy

Pennsylvania’s Pension Iceberg

  • Nathan Benefield, Richard Dreyfuss
  • May 21, 2012

Laura Olson of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has a story on the crisis in Pennsylvania’s public pensions, and Gov. Corbett injecting pension reform into the budget discussion: Even with…


Read More: Pennsylvania’s Pension Iceberg


Cal U Waste Begs for Higher Ed Reform

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 21, 2012

The Senate’s budget included more funding for state universities than Governor Corbett proposed, but new discoveries of wasteful spending should give lawmakers pause. Gov. Corbett proposed a 30 percent cut…


Read More: Cal U Waste Begs for Higher Ed Reform


Chart: School District Fund Balances Nearly Tripled in 14 Years

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 17, 2012

PA Independent reported on Monday that Pennsylvania school districts’ fund balances reached $3.2 billion in 2011 (they compiled the data from the PA Department of Education’s (PDE)…


Read More: Chart: School District Fund Balances Nearly Tripled in 14 Years


Taxpayers Screaming at PLCB Waste

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 17, 2012

Another day, another story of waste at the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board. ABC 27’s Dennis Owens reports on the PLCB buying extravagant wine, then selling it at a discount…


Read More: Taxpayers Screaming at PLCB Waste


Who Should Need the Government’s Permission to Work?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 16, 2012

What's more dangerous, an incompetent barber or incompetent emergency medical worker? Most people would say and EMT, but a barber has to undergo almost nine times the hours of training…


Read More: Who Should Need the Government’s Permission to Work?


Broken Bottle Booze Bonanza Baffles Bourbon Barons

  • May 15, 2012

Another day, another alliteration, another wasteful Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board practice uncovered by the media. This time, a hat tip to Ben Simmoneau of CBS 3 Philadelphia for his report…


Read More: Broken Bottle Booze Bonanza Baffles Bourbon Barons

Health Care

New Healthcare Regs Would Cost PA Taxpayers $50 Million

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 15, 2012

A bill on the floor of the state House would circumvent consumer freedom when it comes to prescription drugs. Many employers, including the state, encourage employees to buy less costly…


Read More: New Healthcare Regs Would Cost PA Taxpayers $50 Million

State Budget

State Budget vs Spending Limits

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 14, 2012

Last week, the Pennsylvania State Senate passed a budget representing $27.66 in General Fund spending. How does that stack up against inflation and population growth? If…


Read More: State Budget vs Spending Limits

Criminal Justice Reform

Real Corrections Reform, Right Now

  • May 14, 2012

Albert Einstein is said to have remarked that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We the undersigned submit that unfortunately,…


Read More: Real Corrections Reform, Right Now


UnAPPetizing Waste Poured by PLCB…Again

  • May 11, 2012

  Have you heard of the millionaire iPhone app?  It’s called VIP Black and for $1,000 at the iTunes store you get a “premium lifestyle application” that guarantees “heightened…


Read More: UnAPPetizing Waste Poured by PLCB…Again

State Budget

Chart of the Day: General Fund Spending and Revenue

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 9, 2012

Yesterday, the Pa. Senate Appropriations Committee advanced a budget (the full Senate is expected to vote on it today) that includes $27.65 billion in General Fund spending. Unfortunately, this…


Read More: Chart of the Day: General Fund Spending and Revenue


EXPOSED: PLCB Wine Shrine Uncovered

  • May 9, 2012

Nothing to see here, folks, move along and remain quiet, we are busy protecting your palettes. That’s the dismissive reaction to taxpayers from Pennsylvania Liquor Control boss Joe Conti whose defense…


Read More: EXPOSED: PLCB Wine Shrine Uncovered