Compulsory public unions threaten individual worker rights and cost taxpayers billions. Reforms to the Pennsylvania Public Employee Relations Act are needed to restore and protect workers’ rights. No one—including government employees—should be blocked from leaving a union. To increase government integrity and accountability, policies should be adopted that ensure all special interests groups, including government unions, interact with the state government on a level playing field.

Public Union Democracy

Where do Union Dues Go?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 18, 2010

Here is a great new video from the Competitive Enterprise Institute tracking the use of union dues. In forced-union states like Pennsylvania—in which employees can be required to join…


Read More: Where do Union Dues Go?

Public Union Democracy

School Union Continues to Deceive Its Members

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 12, 2010

Matt wrote earlier about the millions of dollars public sector unions have poured in political campaigns to get their union pension bailout.


Read More: School Union Continues to Deceive Its Members

Government Accountability

Newspapers Decry Union Pension Bailout by Lame Duck PA House

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 10, 2010

Today, Speaker McCall called the Pennsylvania House back into voting session on November 15th. Members are expected to vote a couple of key pieces of legislation including the ill-conceived…


Read More: Newspapers Decry Union Pension Bailout by Lame Duck PA House


Bethel Park Teachers Strike

  • November 5, 2010

The Pittsburgh Tribune Review reported that Bethel Park teachers were on strike for the sixth time in thirty years. Interrupting classes in order to negotiate taxpayer-funded salaries and benefits…


Read More: Bethel Park Teachers Strike


Are More Educational Options in PA’s Future?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 30, 2010

Both gubernatorial candidates have voiced support for government-funded grants to allow parents to choose an alternative school for their children. Sen. Jeffrey Piccola, Chairman of the Senate Education Committee, is…


Read More: Are More Educational Options in PA’s Future?

Government Accountability

Grassroots Activists Battle Special Interest Agenda

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 29, 2010

Earlier this year, we blogged on HB 2246, which would have allowed trial lawyers in auto cases to suggest the amount of compensation their plaintiffs should receive for their…


Read More: Grassroots Activists Battle Special Interest Agenda


Teachers and their Unions, Part II

  • August 26, 2010

This is another look raising legitimate questions as to how, or even if, teacher unions can reasonably be said to recommend their members which, of course, they maintain they do. …


Read More: Teachers and their Unions, Part II

Public Union Democracy

How Could this Not Increase Costs?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 19, 2010

The Tribune Review writes today about a project labor agreement (PLA) that Allegheny County Chief Executive (and Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate) Dan Onorato is taking some flak for. Amazingly, a…


Read More: How Could this Not Increase Costs?


Teachers and Their Unions

  • August 19, 2010

Teacher unions like to say they represent their members and look out for their best interests, including protecting their rights to speak out without reprisal.  Teachers  are by the nature…


Read More: Teachers and Their Unions


Who Got PSEA Money?

  • August 18, 2010

The Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) remains one of the most powerful special interest groups in Harrisburg, whether it be fighting school choice and merit pay for teachers,…


Read More: Who Got PSEA Money?

Public Union Democracy

Time to Exit Rendell’s Road to Higher Taxes

  • August 17, 2010

Governor Rendell has proposed a series of tax increases to fill a $415 million transportation funding deficit created when the federal government rejected his plan to toll I-80 for a…


Read More: Time to Exit Rendell’s Road to Higher Taxes

Public Union Democracy

When Unions get Violent

  • June 30, 2010

Last Wednesday, men clutching baseball bats attacked construction workers at the King of Prussia mall outside Philadelphia. Workers arriving to the site of the new Toys-R-Us store found their…


Read More: When Unions get Violent


Politics Making a Mess of Education

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 29, 2010

It appears Gov. Rendell has succeeded in getting an increase in education spending for the FY 2010-11 budget. Despite the fact that enrollment is down across the Commonwealth…


Read More: Politics Making a Mess of Education


A Taxpayer’s Budget 2010: Responsible Spending for Pennsylvania

  • June 23, 2010

A Taxpayer's Budget 2010: Responsible Spending for Pennsylvania identifies opportunities to cut over $4 billion in wasteful state spending in Gov. Rendell's proposed FY 2010-11 budget.  The report also offers…


Read More: A Taxpayer’s Budget 2010: Responsible Spending for Pennsylvania


The True Beneficiaries of Education Subsidies

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 21, 2010

Gov. Rendell's budget once again demands significant increases in public school spending.  Ostensibly, these increases are "for the children," but a close examination of education spending and policy proposals reveals…


Read More: The True Beneficiaries of Education Subsidies

Government Accountability

Why Every Teacher Should Stop Paying PSEA Dues

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 15, 2010

A couple of stories about Pennsylvania’s pension crisis reveal some crazy talk (HT Grassroots PA). First, in an article covering some proposed reforms, Gov. Rendell claims gambling will…


Read More: Why Every Teacher Should Stop Paying PSEA Dues

Public Union Democracy

Public Sector Unions and Rent-Seeking

  • June 15, 2010

Last week, Nathan Benefield blogged how the average public sector employee earns a 34% higher salary and 66% more in employer benefits than the average private sector employee.


Read More: Public Sector Unions and Rent-Seeking

Public Union Democracy

Are Government Workers Underpaid?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 11, 2010

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has a new report showing state and local government workers earn far more than their private sector counterparts. The Wall Street Journal…


Read More: Are Government Workers Underpaid?

Public Union Democracy

CF Joins Coalition Opposing Bailout of Union Pensions

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 27, 2010

The Commonwealth Foundation joined with 50 other organizations in opposing using taxpayer funds to bailout private pensions; see the news release from Americans for Tax Reform. Two separate bills,…


Read More: CF Joins Coalition Opposing Bailout of Union Pensions

Public Union Democracy

Union Boss Honored for Decline in Union Membership

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 25, 2010

Yesterday, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed a crucial piece of legislation – a resolution honoring our old “friend” Bill George, outgoing head of the PA AFL-CIO. What…


Read More: Union Boss Honored for Decline in Union Membership