Compulsory public unions threaten individual worker rights and cost taxpayers billions. Reforms to the Pennsylvania Public Employee Relations Act are needed to restore and protect workers’ rights. No one—including government employees—should be blocked from leaving a union. To increase government integrity and accountability, policies should be adopted that ensure all special interests groups, including government unions, interact with the state government on a level playing field.

Public Union Democracy

Update: Harley’s Union “Compromises”

  • December 2, 2009

Harley’s heavily unionized employees came to a “compromise” through a new contract that will likely keep the company in Pennsylvania. Union leaders said, although they are not satisfied with this…


Read More: Update: Harley’s Union “Compromises”

Public Union Democracy

Why Public Sector Unionism Is a Bad Deal for Taxpayers

  • November 24, 2009

A recent report by the Cato Institute concluded “High rates of unionization in the public sector have led to very high labor costs in the form of generous collective…


Read More: Why Public Sector Unionism Is a Bad Deal for Taxpayers

Public Union Democracy

Legal Plunder At Its Worst

  • November 23, 2009

Let’s see how many dirty political games you can fit into one case – from union thuggery to corporate welfare, to rent-seeking to holding taxpayers and employees hostage – the…


Read More: Legal Plunder At Its Worst


Teacher Merit Pay May Come to Pittsburgh

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 23, 2009

Pittsburgh City Schools may soon finalize their second huge grant. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is granting the system $40 million over 6 and half years to improve…


Read More: Teacher Merit Pay May Come to Pittsburgh

Public Union Democracy

State Tax Trends

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 20, 2009

ATR has a new report on state tax trends. In addition to a roundup of state tax changes, the new report highlights trends with policy implications. While we pointed…


Read More: State Tax Trends

Government Accountability

What Next for “Tea Party” Activists?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 20, 2009

Following the recent “Taxpayers March on Harrisburg,” as well as recent health care protests in Washington DC and elsewhere, a grassroots organizer posed the question, “what should we do now?”…


Read More: What Next for “Tea Party” Activists?

Public Union Democracy

Pittsburgh not Prevailing

  • November 20, 2009

Pittsburgh City Council President Doug Shields is lobbying support for a prevailing wage law in the municipality.  His bill would set prevailing wage rates for most employees working…


Read More: Pittsburgh not Prevailing

Public Union Democracy

Pennsylvania: An Unequal Opportunity Employer

  • November 17, 2009

Equal opportunity has long been a cherished ideal in America. Yet state government is engaging in unequal contracting practices.  Governor Rendell's administration is mandating discriminatory Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) on…


Read More: Pennsylvania: An Unequal Opportunity Employer

Public Union Democracy

New Video: UPS vs. FedEx & Unions

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 16, 2009

Reason TV has a new video explaining the intense lobbying between UPS and FedEx, in which UPS is calling for FedEx to be covered under the National Labor Relations…


Read More: New Video: UPS vs. FedEx & Unions

Government Accountability

Majority of Union Members are now Government Employees

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 13, 2009

The Heritage Foundation points out an interesting fact – 51% of union members are government workers, according to the most recent data, an all-time high. And I assumed General…


Read More: Majority of Union Members are now Government Employees

Government Accountability

Break Up SEPTA

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 10, 2009

How can Pennsylvania lawmakers avoid this mess? The first step is to open mass transit in Philadelphia to competitive contracting, whereby private companies would compete to operate SEPTA's network.


Read More: Break Up SEPTA


Privatizing School Bus Drivers

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 9, 2009

In last Tuesday’s race for Central Dauphin school board candidates clashed over the privatization of the district’s busing. The pro-privatization candidate- Chris Judd narrowly won, but that hasn’t silenced the…


Read More: Privatizing School Bus Drivers

Public Union Democracy

If Your Erection Lasts Longer than a SEPTA Strike …

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 9, 2009

Alex Charyna points out this tidbit in the Philadelphia Daily News – one demand of the SEPTA union was more Viagra: Yes, it appears that labor issues…


Read More: If Your Erection Lasts Longer than a SEPTA Strike …

Public Union Democracy

SEPTA Union Doesn’t Represent “The Working Class”

  • November 4, 2009

About 5,100 union workers for SEPTA went on strike early Tuesday, leaving 450,000 people to find new ways to travel. The union is demanding a 4% raise and an…


Read More: SEPTA Union Doesn’t Represent “The Working Class”

Public Union Democracy

Political Power of Public Sector Unions

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 20, 2009

The Weekly Standard has a good piece on the growing political power of public sector unions, with a short history lesson, and many of the consequences (e.g.


Read More: Political Power of Public Sector Unions

Public Union Democracy

Union Organizers Drown Out Voice of Rep. Bear

  • September 29, 2009

Today the state capital was abuzz with clamorous shouting from protesting union members.  What was all the hullabaloo about?  Union members organized in opposition to a press conference about a…


Read More: Union Organizers Drown Out Voice of Rep. Bear

Public Union Democracy

Teachers Compelled To Fund ACORN

  • September 29, 2009

The group ACORN has been in the news more often than it probably prefers to be, especially of late. But such is its notoriety. ACORN is not…


Read More: Teachers Compelled To Fund ACORN

Public Union Democracy

Is “Card Check” Racist?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 16, 2009

A new study on the Employee Free Choice Act finds that the ill-named legislation would deliberately harm minorities (HT: The Union Label) This proposal would likely expand labor hierarchy, labor market…


Read More: Is “Card Check” Racist?

Health Care

Whoops, We Were Wrong…

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 9, 2009

One of our goals at the Commonwealth Foundation is to predict the effect of proposed public policies.  Most of the time, we are proven correct, and humbly announce, "We told…


Read More: Whoops, We Were Wrong…

Public Union Democracy

Happy Labor (Union Free) Day

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • September 7, 2009

Samuel Gompers, the father of the modern American labor union movement, once said, I want to urge devotion to the fundamental of human liberty-to the principles of voluntarism. No…


Read More: Happy Labor (Union Free) Day

Public Union Democracy

Tolling I-80 is a Recipe for Disaster

  • September 3, 2009

Once again, state lawmakers, bureaucrats and special interest groups are looking for another way to grab more money from Pennsylvanians.  The latest rendition is tolling Interstate 80 across the northern…


Read More: Tolling I-80 is a Recipe for Disaster