Pennsylvania’s notoriously high level of regulation is a burden on our state economy. To make the Keystone State a competitive place to live, work, or grow a business, reforms are needed to rein in the regulatory process. Taxpayers deserve a streamlined regulatory process that scrutinizes proposed regulations to ensure frivolous reforms do not overburden the state economy and do not prevent job-seekers from accessing employment.


Fixing Rendell’s Mess

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 20, 2011

Penn's Woods are darker and deeper in red ink than ever before thanks to the tax-borrow-and-spend agenda of the Rendell Administration and some General Assembly members who failed to put…


Read More: Fixing Rendell’s Mess


80 Ideas for a Prosperous Pennsylvania

  • January 17, 2011

Pennsylvania must undergo a rapid transformation to reverse the poor policy decisions that have eroded economic freedoms and brought the state to its present condition.  To provide a roadmap for…


Read More: 80 Ideas for a Prosperous Pennsylvania


How Corbett can Balance the Budget without Raising Taxes

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • January 17, 2011

Even before Gov.-elect Tom Corbett raises his right hand high Tuesday swearing to tackle the problems left from the previous administration's tax-borrow-and-spend agenda, doubters are lining up to take potshots…


Read More: How Corbett can Balance the Budget without Raising Taxes


Rendell’s Last Round of Pork

  • January 12, 2011

Governor Rendell recently released his 2010 commitment list for RACP funds (subscription). The Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program, or RACP, is a taxpayer-funded state borrowing program for “economic…


Read More: Rendell’s Last Round of Pork


Lessons on Green Jobs & Corporate Welfare

  • January 12, 2011

My American Tradition Institute colleague Chris Horner calls attention to developments in Massachusetts, where government “investment” of taxpayer dollars in alternative energy…


Read More: Lessons on Green Jobs & Corporate Welfare


Liquor Store Union Distorts Facts to Skew Poll

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 10, 2011

We received a forwarded email, in which the United Food & Commercial Workers Local 1776 (the union for liquor store employees) called on members to vote in a PCN…


Read More: Liquor Store Union Distorts Facts to Skew Poll


Joel Klein Gets the Public Pension Problem

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 10, 2011

Joel Klein has an excellent article on teacher pensions in today’s Wall Street Journal: Whether the investment returns are there or not, defined-benefit pensions require the government to…


Read More: Joel Klein Gets the Public Pension Problem


TastyKake: Continued Failure of Corporate Welfare

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 6, 2011

PA Independent reports that TastyKake, a corporation with operations in Philadelphia and Chester County, may have to liquidate. This despite a $32 million low-interest state loan (which is looking…


Read More: TastyKake: Continued Failure of Corporate Welfare


Liquor Stores No Asset for Taxpayers

  • January 4, 2011

  Today, the Philadelphia Daily News published a letter from the Commonwealth Foundation titled “For the state stores, there’s no rationale for holding on anymore,” in response to their…


Read More: Liquor Stores No Asset for Taxpayers


Cigarette Taxes Increase Crime

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 21, 2010

Our friends at the Mackinac Center have released a study on the smuggling of cigarettes due to high cigarette taxes. While politicians often tout raising taxes as a tool to…


Read More: Cigarette Taxes Increase Crime


Private Liquor Stores: A Reason for Cheers

  • December 21, 2010

As many Pennsylvanians are heading to their local state liquor store to pick up holiday cheer, there are three things they won't be celebrating: Higher costs, less selection and lower…


Read More: Private Liquor Stores: A Reason for Cheers


How Many State Liquor Stores Should Pennsylvania Have?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 17, 2010

Ben Waxman of the Philadelphia Daily News raises an interesting question about liquor privatization. Noting public support for liquor privatization, he posits whether it would be better to…


Read More: How Many State Liquor Stores Should Pennsylvania Have?


Did Lawmakers Fix the Pension Mess?

  • Richard Dreyfuss
  • December 16, 2010

Joe DiStefano of the Philadelphia Inquirer writes that State Representative (and PSERS Board member) Dwight Evans claims no further pension reform is needed. Evans is hardly dealing with reality.


Read More: Did Lawmakers Fix the Pension Mess?


New Poll Shows Growing Support for Selling Liquor Stores

  • December 15, 2010

Released today, the Quinnipiac University poll shows that 66 percent of Pennsylvania voters support selling state liquor stores—a rise from the 50 percent reported by a F&M poll…


Read More: New Poll Shows Growing Support for Selling Liquor Stores


Supremes Say Grocery Store Suds Sales Sanctioned

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 7, 2010

The State Supreme Court has ruled uniamously that Wegmen’s and other grocery stores with restaurants are allowed to apply for retail beer licenses, which allow them to sell six…


Read More: Supremes Say Grocery Store Suds Sales Sanctioned


Presentation on PA State Spending & Fiscal Crunch: What Now

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 19, 2010

My presentation to the Berks County Patriots on Pennsylvania state spending and the fiscal and economic challenges facing Pennsylvania is available below, or can be downloaded here:…


Read More: Presentation on PA State Spending & Fiscal Crunch: What Now


No WAMS Pledge

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 18, 2010

The Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania is starting a new campaign to banish WAMs (Walking Around Money) from the General Assembly, much like some members of Congress are attempting to…


Read More: No WAMS Pledge


Does Professional Licensing Protect Consumers or Big Business?

  • November 18, 2010

After his friend was killed by a drunk driver, Illinois resident Jonathon Schoenakase began to offer bar patrons a free ride home. Although he never charged for this service, Schoenakase…


Read More: Does Professional Licensing Protect Consumers or Big Business?


PA House Passes Recycling Mandate

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 17, 2010

Monday’s State House voting session focused on the pension bailout, but in the flurry of activity, a little discussed recycling bill that will cost manufacturers thousands annually and deter new…


Read More: PA House Passes Recycling Mandate


Chart: PA Pension Spike Delayed

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 16, 2010

After the passage of HB 2497 yesterday, assuming Gov. Rendell signs the bill, and it overcomes court challenges on its constitutionality, the dreaded pension spike will be merely delayed a…


Read More: Chart: PA Pension Spike Delayed


Time to End State Borrowing for “Economic Development”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 16, 2010

Fox 29 Philadelphia has a video story up about the use of RACP money—state borrowing for corporate welfare—for projects such as resort spas, sports stadiums, and Tasty Cakes (not…


Read More: Time to End State Borrowing for “Economic Development”