Governor Shapiro’s Massive Budget Brings Excessive Spending, New Taxes, and Future Tax Hikes
Video statements for broadcast media are available here. Harrisburg, Pa., February 4, 2025 — Today, Gov. Josh Shapiro delivered his 2025 Pennsylvania budget address, proposing a $3.9 billion spending increase.
Read More: Governor Shapiro’s Massive Budget Brings Excessive Spending, New Taxes, and Future Tax HikesPennsylvania’s complex state budget has enabled policymakers to keep taxpayers in the dark when it comes to state spending. Year after year, some elected officials use budget gimmicks to both make the budget appear balanced and to secure their own agendas. Pennsylvanians deserve reforms that bring true transparency to the budgeting process. We must limit spending growth to a sustainable rate, ensuring the state government—like hardworking taxpayers—live within its means.
Criminal Justice Reform
Bipartisan Support for a Second Chance
We all deserve a second chance. This is the core principle underlying “clean slate” legislation, which the legislature overwhelmingly approved last week. The measure, House Bill 1419, sponsored by…
Read More: Bipartisan Support for a Second ChanceHealth Care
Hidden Human Services Spending
What’s the main driver of spending in Harrisburg? It’s not education. The main driver of costs is the Department of Human Services, which includes Medicaid, child services, nursing home care…
Read More: Hidden Human Services SpendingState Budget
State Budget 2018: Policy Victories & Missed Opportunities
With a signed state budget, it’s time to review the policy victories and missed opportunities that define the 2018-19 spending package. Victories Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) expansion: Lawmakers approved…
Read More: State Budget 2018: Policy Victories & Missed OpportunitiesEducation
House-Passed Spending Plan Holds Line on Taxes
Today, the Pennsylvania House passed a $32.7 billion 2018-19 spending plan in an overwhelming, bipartisan vote (188-10). The legislation, House Bill 2121, avoids tax increases and pulls back from…
Press Release
Read More: House-Passed Spending Plan Holds Line on TaxesState Budget
Six Things to Know About Pa. House Budget
The state budget is on the move. Earlier today the House Appropriations Committee voted to advance a $32.7 billion 2018-19 spending plan to the full House for its consideration. The…
Read More: Six Things to Know About Pa. House BudgetState Budget
How Lawmakers Can Revive Pa.’s Economy
A look at job growth and labor force trends over the past few years reveals the Keystone State’s economy to be stagnant or, at best, overshadowed by robust growth in…
Read More: How Lawmakers Can Revive Pa.’s EconomyState Budget
PA Legislature Moves to Protect Taxpayers from Habitual Overspending
Today, the Senate State Government Committee took a positive step toward putting Pennsylvania’s finances back on solid ground by passing the Taxpayer Protection Act (TPA) or House Bill 110—sponsored…
Press Release
Read More: PA Legislature Moves to Protect Taxpayers from Habitual OverspendingState Budget
Time for Welfare Work Requirements
Yesterday, welfare work requirement bills HB 2138 and HB 1659 moved out of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. This move ensures welfare reform will be a focus…
Read More: Time for Welfare Work RequirementsState Budget
5 Reasons We Need the Taxpayer Protection Act Now
Gov. Wolf has been pretty optimistic about Pennsylvania’s finances going into budget negotiations for fiscal year 2018-19. Although it’s true the state is not staring down a $2 billion…
Read More: 5 Reasons We Need the Taxpayer Protection Act NowState Budget
Securing Pa.’s Fiscal Future
Balancing a budget may come naturally to many Pennsylvania families, but in Harrisburg, it’s an idea that has been recently overlooked. And given the latest federal court decision prohibiting…
Read More: Securing Pa.’s Fiscal FutureState Budget
Tax Reform’s Benefits Should Be Embraced, Not Erased
Tax reform will save Pennsylvania's consumers an estimated $324 million. This according to the Public Utility Commission, which approved rate cuts for 17 utility companies last week. The lower utitlity bills will kick in July 1…
Read More: Tax Reform’s Benefits Should Be Embraced, Not ErasedState Budget
2018 State Budget Trends
On February 6, Governor Wolf laid out his plan for the 2018-19 state budget. His proposal includes a $250 million energy tax and nearly $1 billion in new General Fund…
Fact Sheet
Read More: 2018 State Budget TrendsEducation
Election Results Shouldn’t Detract Attention From Real Reforms
Pennsylvania’s primary election results are sure to command a lot of attention this week, as analysts attempt to explain what the outcomes mean for November. One thing is certain: Many new…
Read More: Election Results Shouldn’t Detract Attention From Real ReformsGovernment Accountability
Transparency is Fundamental to Good Govt
Government transparency is a driving issue for Rep. Seth Grove. Without it, citizens can’t determine if state government is spending tax dollars efficiently. And hiding government operations from the public…
Read More: Transparency is Fundamental to Good GovtState Budget
Why the Taxpayer Protection Act Matters to You
Pennsylvania could end the fiscal year with a budget deficit…again. If the latest Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) projections prove accurate, the commonwealth would need to fill a $195 million…
Read More: Why the Taxpayer Protection Act Matters to YouGovernment Accountability
Government that Works?in the Shadows
Legislation introduced by Rep. Seth Grove—House Bill 1843—injects a much-needed dose of transparency into the state budget. The proposal would give taxpayers access to critical budget documents and financial…
Read More: Government that Works?in the ShadowsState Budget
The Taxpayer Protection Act: A Legislator’s Guide
Pennsylvania’s high state and local tax burden is the consequence of a decades-long spending binge. Pennsylvanians currently pay $4,589 per person in state and local taxes, which equals 10.2 percent…
Fact Sheet
Read More: The Taxpayer Protection Act: A Legislator’s GuideState Budget
Pa.’s Economy Continues to Underwhelm
Just how burdensome have Pennsylvania taxes and regulations become? According to the latest edition of Rich States, Poor States (RSPS), the commonwealth ranks 35th in the nation for economic performance…
Read More: Pa.’s Economy Continues to UnderwhelmRegulation
Seize Opportunities to Transform Pennsylvania
Maximizing our state’s potential requires a willingness to break from the status quo and find better ways to govern. Several improvements indicate Pennsylvania is moving in this direction, such…
Read More: Seize Opportunities to Transform PennsylvaniaRegulation
Solving Pa.’s Corporate Welfare Problem is Key to Tax Reform
Gov. Wolf’s budget proposal projects a small reduction in corporate welfare spending. When compared to the current budget, spending would decline by more than $26 million. However,…
Read More: Solving Pa.’s Corporate Welfare Problem is Key to Tax ReformRegulation
Pull the Reins on Horse Racing Subsidies
A horse is a horse, of course, of course, unless it's a Pennsylvania racehorse—then it's the symbol of government waste and an industry in decline. (Is that how this…
Read More: Pull the Reins on Horse Racing Subsidies