Pennsylvania’s complex state budget has enabled policymakers to keep taxpayers in the dark when it comes to state spending. Year after year, some elected officials use budget gimmicks to both make the budget appear balanced and to secure their own agendas. Pennsylvanians deserve reforms that bring true transparency to the budgeting process. We must limit spending growth to a sustainable rate, ensuring the state government—like hardworking taxpayers—live within its means.

2024 state budget resources

Health Care

Long-Term Care Reform

  • January 11, 2011

Long-term care is very expensive whether provided in a nursing home, an assisted living facility, or in someone's home. Medicaid pays for most professional long-term care (LTC) in Pennsylvania.  LTC…


Read More: Long-Term Care Reform

State Budget

How to Limit State Spending

  • January 10, 2011

A recent study by Matthew Mitchell of the Mercatus Center suggests that not all spending and taxation limits are created equal. The study examines the effect of certain…


Read More: How to Limit State Spending

State Budget

Why PA State Debt is “So Low”?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 17, 2010

Yesterday, during his mid-year budget briefing, Gov. Rendell repeated his claims that Pennsylvania state debt is pretty low, less than $1,000 per resident, and much lower (relative to state GDP)…


Read More: Why PA State Debt is “So Low”?

State Budget

The Pot of Debt at the End of Rendell’s Rainbow

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 13, 2010

These days it's hard enough for Pennsylvania families to think about meeting their obligations let alone piling on more debt.  But that's exactly what outgoing Gov. Ed Rendell did this…


Read More: The Pot of Debt at the End of Rendell’s Rainbow

State Budget

Gov. Rendell Wants to Borrow $1 Billion More

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 1, 2010

Gov. Rendell is pushing to issue $1 billion in new state debt before he leaves office in January. Of course, before the bonds are issued, either the Auditor General or…


Read More: Gov. Rendell Wants to Borrow $1 Billion More


Presentation on PA State Spending & Fiscal Crunch: What Now

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 19, 2010

My presentation to the Berks County Patriots on Pennsylvania state spending and the fiscal and economic challenges facing Pennsylvania is available below, or can be downloaded here:…


Read More: Presentation on PA State Spending & Fiscal Crunch: What Now

State Budget

Disingenuous Jan Jarrett

  • November 18, 2010

The PennFuture president yesterday continued her lamentation over a lame duck legislature’s failure to expand government, raise taxes and kill jobs: “Every day that passes without…


Read More: Disingenuous Jan Jarrett


No WAMS Pledge

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 18, 2010

The Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania is starting a new campaign to banish WAMs (Walking Around Money) from the General Assembly, much like some members of Congress are attempting to…


Read More: No WAMS Pledge


Time to End State Borrowing for “Economic Development”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 16, 2010

Fox 29 Philadelphia has a video story up about the use of RACP money—state borrowing for corporate welfare—for projects such as resort spas, sports stadiums, and Tasty Cakes (not…


Read More: Time to End State Borrowing for “Economic Development”

State Budget

Pennsylvania State Budget is Larger than You Think

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 10, 2010

When a lot of folks, both media and pundits, talk about the Pennsylvania state budget, and the fiscal crisis facing Governor-elect Tom Corbett, they mention a…


Read More: Pennsylvania State Budget is Larger than You Think


Corbett’s Challenge

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 8, 2010

As Tom Corbett prepares for his move into the Pennsylvania Governor's Mansion, he must be realizing the magnitude of what he is about to undertake: the governorship of a state…


Read More: Corbett’s Challenge

State Budget

Spending Cuts for the Next U.S. Congress

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • October 29, 2010

Government debt and wasteful spending is a constant subject on PolicyBlog and is playing a large part in this year’s elections. But one thing that isn’t so common is two…


Read More: Spending Cuts for the Next U.S. Congress

State Budget

Rendell’s Legacy of Spending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 22, 2010

Here is my letter to the editor in today’s Wall Street Journal on Gov. Rendell’s spending record: Regarding the contribution of Gov. Ed Rendell in “Four…


Read More: Rendell’s Legacy of Spending

State Budget

Harrisburg Considers Bankruptcy, Act 47

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • October 21, 2010

Last night, Harrisburg officials held a hearing to determine if the city qualifies for Pennsylvania’s Municipalities Financial Recovery Program, Act 47. Mayor Linda Thompson and Governor Rendell support entrance…


Read More: Harrisburg Considers Bankruptcy, Act 47

Government Accountability

Get Ready to Be Amazed

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • October 21, 2010

In Lancaster County, PA, local government officials have done the inconceivable—they’ve given up their raises. Strasburg Borough’s ten employees including police, public works, and administrative assistants, agreed to forgo…


Read More: Get Ready to Be Amazed

Government Accountability

Not-so-Effective Tax Credit Programs

  • October 19, 2010

The Legislative Budget and Finance Committee issued a new report on the utilization and accountability of Pennsylvania’s tax credit programs. The report looks at everything from the Research and…


Read More: Not-so-Effective Tax Credit Programs


Harrisburg’s Woes: Coming to a City Near You

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • October 19, 2010

Gov. Rendell's recent state bailout of the city of Harrisburg has brought attention to the capital city's fiscal mismanagement. With millions in debt payments and an enormous pension obligation, Harrisburg's…


Read More: Harrisburg’s Woes: Coming to a City Near You


Federal Cash for State Budget Cuts?

  • October 18, 2010

In an Investors Business Daily piece this summer, Nicole Gelinas puts forward an interesting idea about how to stimulate the economy, and at the same time cut back on…


Read More: Federal Cash for State Budget Cuts?

State Budget

Spending Revolt Tour: Day 5 Update

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • October 11, 2010

The Spending Revolt National Tour stopped in Scranton on Sunday night for a Town Hall meeting, which was streamed live (and available here and below). The Scranton…


Read More: Spending Revolt Tour: Day 5 Update


Hey Big Spender

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 5, 2010

Yesterday, Gov. Rendell held a press conference to make note that Tom Corbett was overstating the amount of Pennsylvania taxpayer money Rendell was wasting on pork-barrel projects. Examples cited…


Read More: Hey Big Spender