Governor Shapiro’s Massive Budget Brings Excessive Spending, New Taxes, and Future Tax Hikes
Video statements for broadcast media are available here. Harrisburg, Pa., February 4, 2025 — Today, Gov. Josh Shapiro delivered his 2025 Pennsylvania budget address, proposing a $3.9 billion spending increase.
Read More: Governor Shapiro’s Massive Budget Brings Excessive Spending, New Taxes, and Future Tax HikesPennsylvania’s complex state budget has enabled policymakers to keep taxpayers in the dark when it comes to state spending. Year after year, some elected officials use budget gimmicks to both make the budget appear balanced and to secure their own agendas. Pennsylvanians deserve reforms that bring true transparency to the budgeting process. We must limit spending growth to a sustainable rate, ensuring the state government—like hardworking taxpayers—live within its means.
State Budget
Pigfoot Evicted from Jack Murtha Fundraiser
Video of CAGW’s Pig being tossed from Congressman Jack Murtha’s fundraiser while trying to present him with the prestigious “Porker of the Year” award.
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Porkers win the day, again
A few days ago, I remarked that the DeMint-McCain earmark moratorium was likely to pass the Senate, as both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had signed on.
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Video: Jim DeMint on Earmark Moratorium
Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina gives a masterful speech on the need for earmark reform in Washington (the same could be applied to handouts in Harrisburg).
Read More: Video: Jim DeMint on Earmark MoratoriumState Budget
Earmark abusers jump on earmark reform wagon
The Club for Growth notes that both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have signed on to DeMint-McCain earmark moratorium. While this will likely force passage of the bill,…
Read More: Earmark abusers jump on earmark reform wagonRegulation
Government on a Diet: Spending Tips 2008
State government consumption and spending of taxpayer money has grown rapidly over the years. Since 1970, Pennsylvania’s operating budget increased from $4.2 billion to $59 billion in FY 2007-2008, an…
Read More: Government on a Diet: Spending Tips 2008State Budget
Central PA Congressman and businesses giving up earmarks
Central Penn Business Journal on the Congressman Pitts and Platts joining those taking a moratorium on earmarks and the response of most business leaders – except the beneficiaries of…
Read More: Central PA Congressman and businesses giving up earmarksState Budget
Earmark Nation
Wall Street Journal on the political value of taking a hard line opposing earmarks, compared with the value of pork projects. Unorthodox as he’s been on some conservative…
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Campbell on Earmark Moratorium
Video of John Campbell on earmarks. I especially like him bringing up the “monuments to me” – i.e. earmarks by legislators for projects named after themselves – noting “I hope…
Read More: Campbell on Earmark MoratoriumState Budget
PA Budget Historical Numbers
I’ve received a couple of requests for historics Pennsylvania state budget numbers, so I thought I’d post the data here. The figures represent actual final spending from 1970-2007, while…
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CAGW Names Rep. John Murtha Porker of the Year
Pennsylvania’s own Congresman John Murtha was named Porker of the Year by Citizens Against Government Waste: In fiscal year 2008, he brought home 72 pork projects worth $149.2…
Read More: CAGW Names Rep. John Murtha Porker of the YearState Budget
State’s economy, budget are at odds
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review question the Rendell administration’s glorious reviews of the state’s economy. The size of the state’s economy grew about 20 percent from 1997 to 2006, but…
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Borrowing in 2008-09 Budget
Below is some more analysis of the proposed borrowing in Governor Rendell’s proposed budget – $2.6 billion in debt will be issued in 2008-09. (More on PA’s Total Debt…
Read More: Borrowing in 2008-09 BudgetState Budget
New Borrowing + New Taxes = “Avoidance of Debt”
In the Post-Gazette, Governor Rendell continues to argue that his insurance tax is a tax: Mr. Rendell strongly denies that the surcharge is a new tax. Instead,…
Read More: New Borrowing + New Taxes = “Avoidance of Debt”State Budget
Scarnati to Push Spending Limits?
The Patriot News profiles Senate Pro Tem Joe Scarnati and it looks like he will be putting the Taxpayer Protection Act as a top priority, and even suggests…
Read More: Scarnati to Push Spending Limits?State Budget
The Truth About Spending Limits
Pennsylvanians want limits placed on the annual increases in state government spending. Despite the strong support of taxpayers, many special interest groups that profit from higher taxes and more government…
Fact Sheet
Read More: The Truth About Spending LimitsState Budget
Put Government on a Spending Diet
Commonwealth Foundation analysis finds $6.7 billion in “unhealthy“ state spending HARRISBURG, PA — Today, in anticipation of Governor Rendell’s 2008-09 budget proposal, the Commonwealth Foundation released Government on a Diet:…
Press Release
Read More: Put Government on a Spending DietState Budget
Bush on Earmarks
If his State of the Union Address, Bush promised to veto and/or ignore earmarks in future appropriatiosn legislation. As CAGW and Heritage point out, this would only…
Read More: Bush on EarmarksState Budget
CF Assesses Final Budget: Spending is up, WAMs are in, and the Spin begins
HARRISBURG, PA — Today, the Commonwealth Foundation provided its perspective on the FY 2007-08 General Fund budget making its way to the governor’s desk. “During Governor Rendell’s first four years…
Press Release
Read More: CF Assesses Final Budget: Spending is up, WAMs are in, and the Spin beginsState Budget
Budget Deal Autopsy: The Good, the Bad, the Uglyand A Fistful of Unspent Dollars
HARRISBURG, PA — Today, the Commonwealth Foundation offered a brief analysis (with apologies to Clint Eastwood) of the tentative Pennsylvania General Fund budget deal that is currently being finalized in…
Press Release
Read More: Budget Deal Autopsy: The Good, the Bad, the Uglyand A Fistful of Unspent DollarsState Budget
Pennsylvania Families Need Government to Prioritize Spending
All families must learn to live within a budget. They understand that they can’t spend more than what they earn—at least not for very long. Frequently this means saying “No”…
Read More: Pennsylvania Families Need Government to Prioritize SpendingState Budget
Senate Takes Step to Put PA on Spending Diet
Commonwealth Foundation applauds WAM-free, low-growth budget HARRISBURG, PA — On Wednesday, the Pennsylvania Senate passed a 2007-08 budget in the spirit of the Taxpayer Protection Act. This $27.0 billion budget…
Press Release
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