Health Care

Contain Medicaid Fire, Turn Hose on Pension Crisis

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Nathan Benefield
  • October 23, 2012

Last night’s presidential debate (despite the focus on foreign policy) featured much talk on skyrocketing debt and unsustainable entitlement programs. Protecting the middle class from growing debt isn’t a problem…


Read More: Contain Medicaid Fire, Turn Hose on Pension Crisis


Decipher PLCB Clues, Taxpayers Lose

  • October 22, 2012

Do you remember playing the board game Clue?  It was one of my favorites as a kid; I loved deducing who committed the crime, in what room, and with…


Read More: Decipher PLCB Clues, Taxpayers Lose

Taxes & Economy

Pa. Job Growth Triples National Rate

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 22, 2012

Last week saw the release of September state jobs data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Media coverage of this jobs report focused on the unemployment rate only, which…


Read More: Pa. Job Growth Triples National Rate

Public Union Democracy

Unions Allowed to Stalk, Harrass, Threaten with WMDs

  • Priya Brannick
  • October 19, 2012

In August we told you about a U.S. Chamber of Commerce report that was pretty embarrassing for Pennsylvania. The report highlighted special protection for labor unions on activities that…


Read More: Unions Allowed to Stalk, Harrass, Threaten with WMDs

Criminal Justice Reform

Pennsylvania Gets Landmark Corrections Reform

  • October 18, 2012

On Tuesday, Pennsylvania passed the final piece, House Bill 135, of a landmark corrections reform package that transforms our ailing prison system to one that works better for YOU. Commonwealth Foundation…


Read More: Pennsylvania Gets Landmark Corrections Reform


Union Party Kills Charter Reform

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 18, 2012

Yesterday, I noted that despite watering down a proposed charter school reform bill, legislators were still hearing from government union bosses and other…


Read More: Union Party Kills Charter Reform


Why Lawmakers Should Embrace Bold Action

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 17, 2012

Yesterday, the State Senate approved SB 1115, a charter school reform bill, which now goes to the House. This is a positive development for Pennsylvania children and parents. However, the…


Read More: Why Lawmakers Should Embrace Bold Action


Teachers Union Worse Than Hollywood Portrayal

  • Priya Brannick
  • October 17, 2012

Pennsylvania State Education Association President Mike Crossey takes issue with the film “Won’t Back Down” for not matching “real-life experience” on teachers unions. He’s right—in real…


Read More: Teachers Union Worse Than Hollywood Portrayal


Top 5 Charter School Myths

  • Priya Brannick
  • October 15, 2012

Session days in the Pennsylvania legislature are dwindling, but the assembly still has time to pass essential reforms to how charter schools are run. The valuable reforms contained in…


Read More: Top 5 Charter School Myths

Taxes & Economy

Foreign Federation Finances Phony Frackophobic Film

  • October 12, 2012

A new anti-fracking movie, Promised Land, is set to release in a couple of months, but controversy around the movie is already in full swing. The film has come…


Read More: Foreign Federation Finances Phony Frackophobic Film

State Budget

Lowe’s Shows Dignity of Work, Helps Disabled

  • Charles Mitchell
  • October 11, 2012

The Union Party never minces words:  They believe the best way to help people is to grow government.  That’s the message they’ve brought to bear throughout the Corbett Administration,…


Read More: Lowe’s Shows Dignity of Work, Helps Disabled


Mailbag: Would Eliminating Tax Credits Really Lower Taxes?

  • October 10, 2012

Last month, I testified to the House Finance Committee that targeted tax breaks and corporate welfare subsidies prevent across-the-board tax rate reductions that would benefit all Pennsylvanians. As a follow-up…


Read More: Mailbag: Would Eliminating Tax Credits Really Lower Taxes?