PLCB Stars in Magnum P.U.!

  • March 5, 2012

While Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board execs have been jet setting around the globe on the taxpayer dime to Paris, Dubai, Barcelona and Argentina, their taxpayer-paid marketing team has been…


Read More: PLCB Stars in Magnum P.U.!

State Budget

Chart of the Day: Welfare Spending

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 5, 2012

Total welfare spending in Pennsylvania more than tripled from 1991 to 2012, rising 227 percent. During the same period (1991-2011) population rose by a paltry 6.7 percent. It goes without…


Read More: Chart of the Day: Welfare Spending

PLCB: One Bourbon, One Scotch, Two Bills

  • March 2, 2012

In a massive money mishap that would make Delaware Destroyer George Thorogood mad to the bone, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board’s latest snafu comes at, not surprisingly, the customer’s expense.


Read More: PLCB: One Bourbon, One Scotch, Two Bills

State Budget

Big Government Limits Economic Growth

  • March 2, 2012

Last month, Gov. Tom Corbett’s budget address kicked off state budget negotiations. As lawmakers debate priorities, one thing is crystal clear—low government spending fosters economic growth. The Mercatus Center’s…


Read More: Big Government Limits Economic Growth

Public Union Democracy

Pop Quiz: Would You Pay $126 or $84 for the Same Product?

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • March 2, 2012

Yesterday, we noted how Pennsylvania’s prevailing wage law is a “rent” for labor unions.  Here’s an example of how it plays out in real life—when our schools are…


Read More: Pop Quiz: Would You Pay $126 or $84 for the Same Product?

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania Businesses Face the Highest Taxes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 1, 2012

A new study from the Tax Foundation finds that mature Pennsylvania businesses are the highest taxed in the nation. Newly established operations in the commonwealth are the second highest taxed,…


Read More: Pennsylvania Businesses Face the Highest Taxes

Public Union Democracy

Rent Seeking: Pennsylvania’s Prevailing Wage Musical

  • Priya Brannick
  • March 1, 2012

“Rent” isn’t just a depressing musical about New Yorkers facing AIDS. It’s also a term economists use to describe the benefits special interests win for themselves in the political…


Read More: Rent Seeking: Pennsylvania’s Prevailing Wage Musical

State Budget

5 Scary Facts about Pennsylvania’s Welfare Spending

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 29, 2012

Welfare spending in Pennsylvania is out of control. The Department of Public Welfare is now the largest department in the state. It will continue to crowd out education, environmental…


Read More: 5 Scary Facts about Pennsylvania’s Welfare Spending

Got Freedom? PLCB Has No App for That!

  • February 28, 2012

Ah yes, the Merry Minions of Merlot, makers of mediocrity, mismanagement and the modish mockery of “modernization” are at it again.  But instead of truly bringing us into the 21st…


Read More: Got Freedom? PLCB Has No App for That!


Exposing Two Class Size Myths

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 27, 2012

The Patriot-News reports that while schools in the mid-state have laid off some employees, most districts are still below the national average student-teacher ratio of 15.1. The student-teacher ratio…


Read More: Exposing Two Class Size Myths

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania’s Once-Great Cities

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 23, 2012

If you missed it, ReasonTV put out a great video on the city of Harrisburg’s fiscal disaster, asking whether Harrisburg’s nightmare is America’s Future. Much of what…


Read More: Pennsylvania’s Once-Great Cities


Goodbye Gus, Hello Private Partnerships

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 23, 2012

Say goodbye to the second-most famous groundhog in Pennsylvania. Not having Gus in Pennsylvania lottery commercials will save $140,000. But changes in the state lottery may not end with dropping…


Read More: Goodbye Gus, Hello Private Partnerships

Criminal Justice Reform

Sec. John Wetzel Talks Corrections Reforms on The BOX

  • February 22, 2012

In latest podcast from The BOX, Corrections Secretary John Wetzel chats with Matt Brouillette about reducing the cost of corrections – a major expenditure in the Pennsylvania state budget…


Read More: Sec. John Wetzel Talks Corrections Reforms on The BOX

Taxes & Economy

DRBC Moratorium Puts Residents’ Property Rights in Limbo

  • February 21, 2012

Wayne County land owners in favor of natural gas drilling are fed up with the Delaware River Basin Commission’s baseless moratorium on fracking. The commission has suspended natural…


Read More: DRBC Moratorium Puts Residents’ Property Rights in Limbo


State Liquor Stores’ Soviet-style Socialism Fails

  • February 16, 2012

The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board once again proves it does not know how to manage a business, and its Soviet-style socialist control fails to satisfy customers. More than a month…


Read More: State Liquor Stores’ Soviet-style Socialism Fails