Taxpayers to Unions: We Won’t Get Fooled Again
So Pennsylvania taxpayers, lawmakers and Pete Townshend walk into a bar… ouch!
Seriously though, this week in Harrisburg could produce one heck of a punch line as lawmakers here are reportedly voting on the issue of prevailing wage.
So in honor of April Fools’ Day and the onerous prevailing wage law that hikes construction costs by 10 to 20 percent while overcharging Pennsylvania taxpayers $1 billion to $2 billion a year, we bring you Pete, Roger and the boys. “Meet the old boss, same as the old boss, indeed!”
The boss we are talking about? Try the union boss of the Pennsylvania Building and Construction Trades Council, who actually had the audacity last week to be quoted in a news report saying prevailing wage is all about helping local communities and exceeding standards.
It’s time to tell the unions that we won’t get fooled again! Help boo this bad act off stage by clicking here and telling your lawmakers how you feel about the damage prevailing wage is doing to our children, teachers and taxpayers.