Government Accountability

Sunshine Week…Time for Spending Transparency in PA

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 16, 2010

This week is Sunshine Week, created to promote open government and celebrate James Madison’s birthday (which is today, and an aside, he is my favorite founding father). Now would…


Read More: Sunshine Week…Time for Spending Transparency in PA


The Green Schools Ruse

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 16, 2010

Yesterday the House passed Rep. Drucker’s bill to exclude any costs associated with making a school building LEED certified from a possible…


Read More: The Green Schools Ruse

Government Accountability

When Will These Guys Learn?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 16, 2010

Pennsylvania Independent reports on two PA House contracts for voter lists, costing taxpayers over $225,000. Readers will recognize that this sounds quite a bit like the actions of former…


Read More: When Will These Guys Learn?

Taxes & Economy

CF Podcast: Freedom in the 50 States

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 15, 2010

Listen to the latest CF podcast on Mercatus Center study, Freedom in the 50 States: An Index of Personal and Economic Freedom. The report is the first comprehensive…


Read More: CF Podcast: Freedom in the 50 States

Taxes & Economy

Sam Rohrer’s Energy Proposal

  • March 15, 2010

Gubernatorial candidate Sam Rohrer laid out his Energy Independence plan for Pennsylvania. The plan includes: Oppose any effort to impose a natural gas severance tax in the absence of…


Read More: Sam Rohrer’s Energy Proposal

Taxes & Economy

SEPTA and I-80 Tolling

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 15, 2010

While the transportation industry is propping up the myth that I-80 tolls won’t be used for transit in Pennsylvania, SEPTA officials are busy lobbying for I-80 tolling in…


Read More: SEPTA and I-80 Tolling

Taxes & Economy

More on the Unintended Consequences of the “Jobs Bill”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 13, 2010

CS Monitor writes that the tax credits in the so-called “jobs bill” won’t encourage small businesses to hire.  Worse yet, it might delay job creation: And as long…


Read More: More on the Unintended Consequences of the “Jobs Bill”


Philadelphia Should Get out of the Garbage Business

  • March 12, 2010

Earlier this month, Philadelphia’s Mayor Nutter proposed increasing the city’s trash collection fee to $300 to deal with the city’s budget deficit. Instead of finding ways to be more…


Read More: Philadelphia Should Get out of the Garbage Business

Health Care

Obama and the Slacker Mandate

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 12, 2010

In his health care rally in the Philadelphia area earlier this week, President Obama touted a proposed regulation that insurance companies would have to allow children up to age 26…


Read More: Obama and the Slacker Mandate

Taxes & Economy

Could Municipalities Provide Cheaper Electricity?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 12, 2010

Last week the State House Committee on Consumer Affairs held a hearing on legislation which would allow municipalities to act as electricity aggregators for residents, unless they opt-out for another…


Read More: Could Municipalities Provide Cheaper Electricity?


State and Local Government Outpace Private Pay by 44%

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 12, 2010

A new survey from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics looks at the total employer costs for workers in both the private and public sector. While wages for…


Read More: State and Local Government Outpace Private Pay by 44%

Government Accountability

Need for an Independent Fiscal Office in PA?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 11, 2010

A new Pennsylvania Independent Fiscal Office was the subject of a recent legislative hearing this week, with several lawmakers arguing the need for the office (which was included in…


Read More: Need for an Independent Fiscal Office in PA?

State Budget

Reckless Driving With Taxpayer Dollars

  • March 11, 2010

Pennsylvania’s move towards big government is many ways mirrored by the fleet of cars it has amassed over the last three decades. The number of cars increased from 5,700…


Read More: Reckless Driving With Taxpayer Dollars