Taxes & Economy

Big 3 Bailout vs. Free Market Solution

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 11, 2008

In his blog today, John Micek offers some criticism of Mark Hendrickson’s commentary on the auto-makers bailout, which we ran today.  Micek points to the lack of “solutions”…


Read More: Big 3 Bailout vs. Free Market Solution

Taxes & Economy

Cutting Taxes Better Stimulus than Government Spending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 11, 2008

With all the push for more government spending (at both the state and federal level) to “stimulate the economy”, readers should take a look at new research highlighted…


Read More: Cutting Taxes Better Stimulus than Government Spending


Pennsylvania completes study of things to buy me for Christmas

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 10, 2008

OK, the study isn’t on things to buy me for Christmas, but the Joint State Government Commission completed a study on Violent Interactive Video Games.  Some of the games…


Read More: Pennsylvania completes study of things to buy me for Christmas

Taxes & Economy

The auto bailout is a blood transfusion for a dying patient

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 10, 2008

David Leonhardt has a good article in the New York Times explaining why the “Big 3 Automakers” have higher labor costs than Honda, Toyota, et. al.  Greater fringe benefits…


Read More: The auto bailout is a blood transfusion for a dying patient


Failing Science

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 10, 2008

The Patriot News has a story on the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s news release that almost two-thirds of Pennsylvania’s 11th grade students are not proficient in science.  The…


Read More: Failing Science


Where to Find WAMs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 9, 2008

I have gotten a couple of requests today for lists of WAMs and other recent spending. We put together a list of recent grants the Governor has awarded/announced in…


Read More: Where to Find WAMs

Taxes & Economy

No tax increases

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 9, 2008

President Pro Tem (and now Pennsylvania Lt. Governor, though the former role has more relevance) Joe Scarnati has take a strong stance against any tax increase in the Pittsburgh…


Read More: No tax increases

Taxes & Economy

The Fallacy That Government Creates Jobs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 9, 2008

Dan Mitchell of the Cato Institute has an excellent piece on the economic benefit of so-called fiscal “stimulus” In part, this is a debate about Keynesian economics, which is…


Read More: The Fallacy That Government Creates Jobs

Government Accountability

78-Group Coalition Demands Greater Bailout Transparency

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 8, 2008

The Commonwealth Foundation has joined 77 other organizations in calling for greater transparency for taxpayers in the numerous bailouts being handed out with little oversight.  From the news release:…


Read More: 78-Group Coalition Demands Greater Bailout Transparency

Health Care

The Trouble with Canadian Healthcare

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 8, 2008

Brett Skinner has an article in The American magazine on why “a single-payer system is probably the least effective way to achieve universal health insurance coverage.”…


Read More: The Trouble with Canadian Healthcare

Government Accountability

Open government should save taxpayers, not cost them

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 6, 2008

The Tribune Review has a scathing editorial about Governor Rendell’s decision to charge citizens for the cost of retrieving open records about the government. In contrast, consider Texas,…


Read More: Open government should save taxpayers, not cost them


Funding Loans While Facing a Deficit?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 5, 2008

The day after announcing more budget cuts, including a wage freeze, Governor Rendell announced $2 million in new state funded loans. So let…


Read More: Funding Loans While Facing a Deficit?


Rocky Balboa and the trouble with occupational licensing

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 5, 2008

The Moving Pictures Institute has put together the clip from Rocky Balboa in which Rocky (Sylvester Stallone) fights the Pennsylvania Athletic Commission for his right to box.


Read More: Rocky Balboa and the trouble with occupational licensing


Cigarette Taxes Encourage Smuggling

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 5, 2008

A new report from the Mackinac Center (full 99 page report here) estimates the effect of cigarette taxes on smuggling of cigarettes (both “commercial” and “casual” – i.e.


Read More: Cigarette Taxes Encourage Smuggling

Taxes & Economy

Deficit spending, taxes, and economic stimulus

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 4, 2008

The latest Heritage Foundation WebMemo looks takes on the idea that “deficit spending” is a good stimulus for the economy, given the upcoming federal deficit is going to the…


Read More: Deficit spending, taxes, and economic stimulus


Higher Costs of Higher Education

  • December 4, 2008

New report diagnoses skyrocketing PA college tuition, prescribes remedy for lower costs HARRISBURG, PA — The Commonwealth Foundation today released Higher Costs of Higher Education: Reforming how Pennsylvania Taxpayers Finance…

Press Release

Read More: Higher Costs of Higher Education


“F” for Affordability

  • December 3, 2008

Today, the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education released its National Report Card on Higher Education. The report surveyed…


Read More: “F” for Affordability

Government Accountability

Transparency: Increase Government Efficiency for Free

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 3, 2008

The House Democratic Caucus has demonstrated fiscal responsibility by rejecting this year’s COLA’s. Maybe Dr. Stilp got through to them. But the bigger question is how much did Eachus…


Read More: Transparency: Increase Government Efficiency for Free

Taxes & Economy

Governors Against State Bailouts

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 3, 2008

While Governor Rendell and others state executives are asking for taxpayers to bail them out (see related article in The Bulletin) but want to pass the buck…


Read More: Governors Against State Bailouts