
A Turning Point in Pennsylvania?s Budget Debate?

  • December 14, 2016

Pennsylvania must confront a $604 million deficit, according to Budget Secretary Randy Albright. This sober assessment was offered during the mid-year budget briefing earlier today. The Independent Fiscal Office (IFO)…


Read More: A Turning Point in Pennsylvania?s Budget Debate?

Public Union Democracy

Watch for Sweeping Changes Outside the Beltway

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 13, 2016

The political landscape has experienced a seismic shift, and it isn't centered in Washington DC. This past weekend Kyle Peterson of the Wall Street Journal highlighted Pennsylvania and six other…


Read More: Watch for Sweeping Changes Outside the Beltway

State Budget

State Spending to Blame for Low Economic Opportunity in Pa.

  • December 13, 2016

State Spending to Blame for Low Economic Opportunity in Pa. New Report Shows Need for Government Spending Restraint December 13, 2016, HARRISBURG, Pa.—When it comes to controlling…

Press Release

Read More: State Spending to Blame for Low Economic Opportunity in Pa.


The PLCB: A Winner in a Race with No Competitors

  • December 12, 2016

In 2013, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) released its first annual report, emphasizing record sales and “profits.” Neither of these is impressive when analyzed in context, but the…


Read More: The PLCB: A Winner in a Race with No Competitors


Will Lower Standards Help Pa. School Performance?

  • James Paul
  • December 9, 2016

Pennsylvania’s primary tool for grading schools—the School Performance Profile (SPP)—is being overhauled. The current SPP is not particularly straightforward, but it’s based mainly on test scores and academic…


Read More: Will Lower Standards Help Pa. School Performance?

Taxes & Economy

No Doubt About it: PA has a Severance Tax

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 8, 2016

What do Christmas festivities, a new office building, and a Ford Explorer have in common? They were all paid for with impact fees on natural gas, raising doubts about the necessity of…


Read More: No Doubt About it: PA has a Severance Tax


What Pennsylvania’s Budget Trends Mean for You

  • December 8, 2016

State government is growing at a startling rate. Since 1970, spending has risen by $4,010 per person—an inflation-adjusted increase of 189 percent. This is one of many findings in our…


Read More: What Pennsylvania’s Budget Trends Mean for You


Magnum, P.I. Comes to Bethlehem

  • James Paul
  • December 7, 2016

Bethlehem School District employs private investigators to track down students with fraudulent home addresses. According to The Morning Call, DBM Investigations and Consulting has identified 35 students…


Read More: Magnum, P.I. Comes to Bethlehem

Taxes & Economy

PA’s Conflicted Relationship with Natural Gas

  • Gordon Tomb
  • December 6, 2016

The government giveth, and the government taketh away. Nowhere is this more apparent than in Pennsylvania’s relationship with the natural gas industry. On the one hand, Gov. Wolf offers a…


Read More: PA’s Conflicted Relationship with Natural Gas


Hits and Misses from the 2015-16 Legislative Session

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 5, 2016

That's a wrap. The 2015-16 legislative session is officially in the history books. Despite a $650 million tax hike, Pennsylvanians have a lot to celebrate from the past two years.


Read More: Hits and Misses from the 2015-16 Legislative Session


Pennsylvania Deficit Watch: December 2016

  • December 2, 2016

State revenue collections came in at $79.5 million below the official estimate for November, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. Lackluster collections wiped away the little progress made during October when revenue collections…


Read More: Pennsylvania Deficit Watch: December 2016


Details Emerge on Philly Union Negotiations

  • James Paul
  • November 29, 2016

Intrepid reporter Kristen Graham of the Philadelphia Inquirer unearthed several details from contract negotiations between the school district of Philadelphia and the local teachers’ union, the Philadelphia Federation of…


Read More: Details Emerge on Philly Union Negotiations

Public Union Democracy

Government Unions’ Election Impact

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 22, 2016

One can't understate the scope of government unions' financial involvement in some of the key Pennsylvania races this fall. While final campaign finance numbers are still a few weeks away,…


Read More: Government Unions’ Election Impact

Public Union Democracy

The Rust Belt’s Labor Reform Wave

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 18, 2016

Lagging job growth, rising taxes and coercive union tactics created an appetite for labor reform throughout Rust Belt states. Transforming Labor, our latest policy report, ranks states on their…


Read More: The Rust Belt’s Labor Reform Wave

Big Budget Deficits Show Need for Big Changes

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 16, 2016

Pennsylvania is in a pickle unless lawmakers make fundamental changes. That’s the message of yesterday’s Independent Fiscal Office Economic and Budget Outlook report. Each November the IFO looks at…


Read More: Big Budget Deficits Show Need for Big Changes


New IFO Report Emphasizes Need to Reform Spending

  • November 16, 2016

New IFO Report Emphasizes Need to Reform Spending State Faces up to $900 Million Budget Hole This Year November 16, 2016, Harrisburg, Pa.—Yesterday’s Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) mid-year…

Press Release

Read More: New IFO Report Emphasizes Need to Reform Spending

Public Union Democracy

Pa. Gets a ‘D’ in First Ever 50-State Public Sector Labor Analysis

  • November 14, 2016

Study Reveals Most States Earn Low Grades in Public Employee Rights, Taxpayer Protections November 14, 2016, HARRISBURG, Pa.—Pennsylvania is one of 22 states ranking an abysmal “D” or “F” for…

Press Release

Read More: Pa. Gets a ‘D’ in First Ever 50-State Public Sector Labor Analysis

The Taxpayer Protection Act is Crucial for Pa.

  • November 11, 2016

Under Gov. Wolf's administration, state spending has risen by $2.6 billion. For context, spending over the previous eight years grew by $2.7 billion. Total spending would be higher if it weren’t for fiscally…


Read More: The Taxpayer Protection Act is Crucial for Pa.


Pennsylvania Deficit Watch: November 2016

  • November 10, 2016

Last month we raised concerns about Pennsylvania's fiscal trajectory. At the time, state revenue collections were more than $218 million below the official estimate. The current revenue picture is slightly…


Read More: Pennsylvania Deficit Watch: November 2016

Public Union Democracy

A Dramatic Shift in Pennsylvania

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 9, 2016

From celebration to soul-searching, post-election analysis is everywhere. While top-of-the-ballot results dominate headlines and your news feed, don’t miss the dramatic shift that occurred last night in Pennsylvania. Republicans achieved…


Read More: A Dramatic Shift in Pennsylvania


Can a Dwight Schrute Save Scranton?

  • November 8, 2016

Dwight K. Schrute is an employee at Dunder Mifflin—a fictional Scranton paper company featured in NBC’s The Office. And he just may be the key to overcoming the city’s very…


Read More: Can a Dwight Schrute Save Scranton?