State Budget

Slicing Pennsylvania’s Finances, Part 2

  • Andrew Abramczyk
  • October 28, 2019

The state legislature controls less than half of all state revenue. The rest is on autopilot, flowing automatically through a maze of accounts and undermining the constituional plan for accountabilty…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Slicing Pennsylvania’s Finances, Part 2


Fact Sheet: HB 1897 Eliminating Cyber Charter Schools

  • Marc LeBlond
  • October 16, 2019

Today 34,000 Pennsylvania kids choose cyber charter schools. HB 1897 would eliminate all Pa. cyber charter schools by fall 2021. It also issues a top-down mandate that each school district…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Fact Sheet: HB 1897 Eliminating Cyber Charter Schools


A Fair, Accountable, and Transparent Education

  • Colleen Hroncich, Marc LeBlond
  • September 16, 2019

What are the facts on fairness, accountability, and transparency in the Commonwealth’s education system?…

Fact Sheet

Read More: A Fair, Accountable, and Transparent Education


The Broken Promise of Flexible Liquor Pricing

  • Andrew Abramczyk
  • September 11, 2019

The Liquor Control Board told the public it would use its expanded pricing powers for consumer benefit.  Instead it has used them to benefit only itself.


Read More: The Broken Promise of Flexible Liquor Pricing

Government Accountability

Worker Freedom in the States

  • Jessica Barnett
  • August 30, 2019

Unprecedented labor issue activity has followed the 2018 Janus v. AFSCME ruling. Read our summary here.

Fact Sheet

Read More: Worker Freedom in the States

Government Accountability

The Janus Impact and Grading of State Public Sector Labor Laws

  • Priya Brannick
  • August 28, 2019

In the Janus aftermath, pro-union forces make legislative headway counteracting the court decision, while workers push back in the courts. This report details the trends, and grades each state according to…


Read More: The Janus Impact and Grading of State Public Sector Labor Laws

State Budget

Slicing Pennsylvania’s Finances, Part 1

  • Andrew Abramczyk
  • August 21, 2019

Pennsylvania's largest budget items are growing unsustainably fast. The budget can only be brought under control only if these cost drivers are addressed.

Fact Sheet

Read More: Slicing Pennsylvania’s Finances, Part 1

Public Union Democracy

Government Unions One Year after Janus v. AFSCME

  • Jessica Barnett
  • August 2, 2019

One year after Janus unions lost significant fee-based revenue, fee-payers largely remain non-union, and existing members—frequently unaware of the ruling or restricted from resigning—often maintain membership…


Read More: Government Unions One Year after Janus v. AFSCME


EITC & OSTC Escalator: Because Kids Need a Longer Lifeline

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • June 11, 2019

Pennsylvania's successful education tax credit programs are oversubscribed, resulting in tens of thousands of families being denied scholarships. It's time to expand these programs. Here are answers to common questions…

Fact Sheet

Read More: EITC & OSTC Escalator: Because Kids Need a Longer Lifeline

State Budget

Making Bad Investments Won’t Restore PA

  • Tirzah Duren
  • June 3, 2019

Governor Wolf’s Restore PA plan utilizes a natural gas severance tax and borrowing to fund infrastructure improvements. There’s a better way to improve our infrastructure.


Read More: Making Bad Investments Won’t Restore PA


Climate Change

  • Gordon Tomb
  • May 30, 2019

For decades state government has imposed subsidies, increased regulation and raised energy costs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These efforts have largely failed to make an impact. On the other…


Read More: Climate Change


Expand Educational Choice with Tax Credit Scholarships

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 8, 2019

In 2016-17, the most recent year with scholarship data available, 52,857 K-12 scholarship applications were denied—52 percent of all K-12 applications. Businesses have applied for $180 million in EITC and…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Expand Educational Choice with Tax Credit Scholarships

Criminal Justice Reform

An Overview of Justice Reinvestment Initiative II

  • March 28, 2019

JRI II seeks to address high corrections spending, insufficient support for county probation, and inadequate pretrial and sentencing guidance. The result: fair and effective punishments that equip people for life after…

Fact Sheet

Read More: An Overview of Justice Reinvestment Initiative II

Public Union Democracy

Restoring Government Workers’ Resignation Rights

  • Jessica Barnett
  • March 25, 2019

Pennsylvania government workers are no longer forced to pay union fees to keep their jobs—but government and union leaders are imposing roadblocks to exercising their rights. Here's how legislators can help.


Read More: Restoring Government Workers’ Resignation Rights

State Budget

The Taxpayer Protection Act: An Updated Legislator’s Guide

  • February 14, 2019

Pennsylvanians pay $4,589 per person in state and local taxes, which equals 10.2 percent of residents’ total income. This trend must be reversed by restraining spending growth through long-term reforms…

Fact Sheet

Read More: The Taxpayer Protection Act: An Updated Legislator’s Guide

Public Union Democracy

Government Union 2018 Election Spending

  • Jessica Barnett
  • February 13, 2019

Pennsylvania’s top government union political action committees spent over $12 million during the 2017-18 election cycle, making it the most expensive election cycle in the past ten years.

Fact Sheet

Read More: Government Union 2018 Election Spending


A Better Tool for Student Opportunity

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • February 12, 2019

As the 2019 legislative session begins, lawmakers need to look beyond talking points and get to the root of problems with education. As Pennsylvania illustrates, more money does not guarantee…


Read More: A Better Tool for Student Opportunity

State Budget

Five Ways to Promote Prosperity & Grow the Economy

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 30, 2019

Revenue collections are $400 million above projections. Next year’s budget should be easy to balance. Instead, lawmakers are looking at a projected $1.7 billion deficit. Why? Pennsylvania continues…


Read More: Five Ways to Promote Prosperity & Grow the Economy

Criminal Justice Reform

Pennsylvania State Budget Trends

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 22, 2019

On February 5, Governor Wolf will lay out his proposal for the 2019-20 state budget. Here are some key facts on spending trends, last year’s enacted budget, and challenges going…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pennsylvania State Budget Trends