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Pennsylvania’s Education Tax Credit Scholarships: How EITC Serves Children and Families in the Commonwealth
Key Findings Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) are state tax credit programs that give thousands of low- to middle- income students access to…
Read More: Pennsylvania’s Education Tax Credit Scholarships: How EITC Serves Children and Families in the CommonwealthState Budget
EITC and Economically Disadvantaged Schools
Read More: EITC and Economically Disadvantaged SchoolsState Budget
Clear the Red Tape to Rebuild a Stronger Pennsylvania
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Wolf repealed regulations to allow our healthcare sector to respond to the evolving crisis. Nonmedical regulatory restrictions—such as permitting cocktails to-go—were also…
Fact Sheet
Read More: Clear the Red Tape to Rebuild a Stronger PennsylvaniaHealth Care
7 Signs Pa.’s Pandemic Recovery Is Falling Behind
Pennsylvania business closures continue to be among the worst in the nation. …
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Read More: 7 Signs Pa.’s Pandemic Recovery Is Falling BehindEducation
The Truth About Education Spending in Pennsylvania
Ben Franklin once said, “in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” If he lived in Pennsylvania today, he might have an addition to his list: claims of…
Read More: The Truth About Education Spending in Pennsylvania
Three Ways Pennsylvania Should Spend American Rescue Plan Funds
How should the commonwealth use this massive surplus of federal dollars? The temptation might be to simply pay off our budget deficit. The IFO projects that over the next five…
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A Brief History of Tom Wolf’s Tax Hike Proposals
Since taking office seven years ago, Governor Wolf has proposed or supported 14 tax hikes on working families.
Fact Sheet
Read More: A Brief History of Tom Wolf’s Tax Hike ProposalsState Budget
Supplemental Appropriations
Supplemental appropriation is another term for overspending. In theory, this practice covers unforeseeable expenses, but it has become a normal part of the state budget process.
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Public Sector Union 2020 Election Spending
Public sector union political action committees (PAC) spent $16.7 million in Pennsylvania during the 2019–2020 election cycle, principally on behalf of Democratic politicians.
Read More: Public Sector Union 2020 Election SpendingState Budget
Opportunity Finds a Way
The 2018-19 budget increased EITC by $25 million, providing an additional 8,000 student scholarships. Each child deserves an exceptional education—one that fits their unique gifts and talents. Parents should have…
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Steps to Enhance Election Integrity
In 2020, Pennsylvania’s newly amended election law struggled under unprecedented mail-in voting, yet last minute state guidance and judicial decisions not only skirted election law, but further delayed results and…
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Corporate Welfare in 3 Charts
The Governor’s Executive budget includes updated estimates for spending on corporate welfare, which is government favoritism of one sector or business over others. This favoritism is disquised under less innocuous…
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School Reserve Funds in Pandemic Times
Pennsylvania school officials are projecting local tax revenue losses for the upcoming year due to the wreckage from COVID-19 restrictions. Even if local tax revenue declines, most schools have…
Read More: School Reserve Funds in Pandemic Times
Caring for Kids and Communities: The 2021 State Budget
A successful recovery is not dependent on government aid; it requires education lifelines for families, regulatory and tax relief for small businesses, and health care reforms to bolster patient access…
Read More: Caring for Kids and Communities: The 2021 State BudgetState Budget
The Taxpayer Protection Act
KEY POINTS Pennsylvania’s frequent budget deficits are the consequence of chronic overspending. Pennsylvanians pay $4,589 per person in state and local taxes, which equals 10.2 percent of residents’ total…
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The Race to Rebuild: How Pennsylvania Can Bounce Back After COVID-19
Pennsylvanians continue to struggle amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and government restrictions. Small business owners face permanent closure, children’s schooling is in disarray, and job seekers have few prospects. Families need…
Read More: The Race to Rebuild: How Pennsylvania Can Bounce Back After COVID-19State Budget
How to Balance the State Budget without Raising Taxes in a Pandemic
Reducing spending to reflect how the pandemic impacted state agencies and balance the budget without tax hikes or borrowing is the first step. Without additional structural spending changes laid out in…
Read More: How to Balance the State Budget without Raising Taxes in a Pandemic
Are Public Schools Underfunded?
Pennsylvania spends more per student than the vast majority of states. Education spending has significantly increased over the past decade. Scroll down to see how much funding your district receives…
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Read More: Are Public Schools Underfunded?Regulation
Help Restaurants by Privatizing the PLCB
Clearly, Gov. Wolf looks out of touch—and perhaps he knows it. Last week, following his veto, he released a proposal to waiver license fees collected by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB)…
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And Then What? Reforms Beyond the Current Budget
In any case, the budget will get balanced. For Pennsylvanians, the real question is: “And then what?” Pennsylvania’s budget problems preceded the virus shutdown and will continue long after it without real reform. Listed below are areas where lawmakers…
Read More: And Then What? Reforms Beyond the Current BudgetHealth Care
How to Vote in PA Q&A
Election Day is Tuesday, November 3. In Pennsylvania, voters are navigating how to cast their ballots during this pandemic era. …
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Read More: How to Vote in PA Q&AFairness
Protecting the Rights of Pennsylvania Public Employees
Key Points Pennsylvania state law grants unions exclusive bargaining rights in government workplaces, makes it difficult for workers to leave their union, and allows taxpayer collection of union political money.Through…
Read More: Protecting the Rights of Pennsylvania Public Employees