Elizabeth Stelle

Director of Policy Analysis

Elizabeth Stelle is the Director of Policy Analysis at the Commonwealth Foundation.

Elizabeth has researched and written on government reform, health care, welfare, energy, and government transparency. Her work has been featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Patriot-News, Philadelphia Inquirer, and a variety of radio and television programs throughout the commonwealth. Elizabeth is a graduate of Grove City College where she earned a bachelor’s degree in history.

A native of Ohio, Elizabeth makes her home in the Pittsburgh area with her husband and four children. She enjoys swimming, traveling to historic landmarks and exploring the moral foundations of capitalism.


Rendell Tells PSU to Cut Costs

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 18, 2009

Yesterday, the Governor met with the Pennsylvania Tuition Coalition, a student group lobbying the state to include state-related schools, like PSU, in the Governor’s tuition relief scheme. Rendell told…


Read More: Rendell Tells PSU to Cut Costs


Upcoming Opportunities for Students

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 11, 2009

The Commonwealth Foundation has a number of great opportunities for students to learn more about economics, public policy, and the importance of liberty. Please, No More Taxes! Video Contest- Win…


Read More: Upcoming Opportunities for Students


PHEAA: More Wasteful Spending Exposed

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 5, 2009

On Monday the CEO of the Pennsylvania Higher Education Foundation was fired for excessive travel expenses. Michael Hershock (former head of the PHEAA) spent thousands…


Read More: PHEAA: More Wasteful Spending Exposed


Time for Universities to Focus on Education

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 28, 2009

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports on the Pennsylvania State Board of Education’s recent suggestion to establish “no-frills” 4-year colleges. The proposal has sparked debate over what constitutes a “frill”. Francis…


Read More: Time for Universities to Focus on Education

Government Accountability

Government on a Diet: Spending Tips 2009

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Nathan Benefield
  • February 12, 2009

Government on a Diet: Spending Tips 2009 identifies $5 billion in unhealthy state spending in FY 2008-09 and offers a series of recommendations to both resolve the current revenue shortfall…


Read More: Government on a Diet: Spending Tips 2009


More Subsidies for Higher Education

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 2, 2009

Governor Rendell is proposing an increase of $128 million in tuition aide for students at PASSHE schools. There’s no question that skyrocketing tuition is hitting families hard, but throwing…


Read More: More Subsidies for Higher Education

Taxes & Economy

Royal Bank of Scotland to Sell Electricity in PA

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 23, 2009

The Tribune-Review reports The Royal Bank of Scotland is awaiting permission from the PUC to sell electricity to commercial and industrial customers across Pennsylvania. The change would give Pittsburgh…


Read More: Royal Bank of Scotland to Sell Electricity in PA


New Pollution Regulations Will Cost You

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 30, 2008

Yesterday, the Pennsylvania DEP reinstated CAIR (the Clean Air Interstate Rule) after a successful appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. In July, the…


Read More: New Pollution Regulations Will Cost You


Scholarships for Student Conference on Liberty

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 29, 2008

Students For Liberty (a non-profit organization dedicated to liberty) will host their 2009 International Students For Liberty Conference from February 20-22nd at George Washington University, Washington, D.C. The…


Read More: Scholarships for Student Conference on Liberty

Government Accountability

Transparency and the Bailout

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 23, 2008

Transparency is a popular buzzword these days, but does the rhetoric reflect reality? John Stossel investigates the lack of transparency surrounding the bailout.


Read More: Transparency and the Bailout


Government Knows Best: New Mandates in Philly

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 19, 2008

Philadelphia passed a new law (HT:Grassroots) mandating Carbon Monoxide detectors in every newly constructed home. The story reminded me of…


Read More: Government Knows Best: New Mandates in Philly

Taxes & Economy

State College Debates a Drink Tax

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 16, 2008

The Tax Foundation exposes the poor logic behind a proposed drink tax targeted at “freeloading” PSU students. Local officials in State College would be wise to consider the fall…


Read More: State College Debates a Drink Tax


Funding Loans While Facing a Deficit?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 5, 2008

The day after announcing more budget cuts, including a wage freeze, Governor Rendell announced $2 million in new state funded loans. So let…


Read More: Funding Loans While Facing a Deficit?

Government Accountability

Transparency: Increase Government Efficiency for Free

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 3, 2008

The House Democratic Caucus has demonstrated fiscal responsibility by rejecting this year’s COLA’s. Maybe Dr. Stilp got through to them. But the bigger question is how much did Eachus…


Read More: Transparency: Increase Government Efficiency for Free


What’s Wrong With Pennsylvania Higher Education

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 2, 2008

In the midst of rising tuition, dwindling tax revenue, and a recession, the presidents of 13 state-owned colleges are collectively receiving $147,427 in raises, which would equal tuition for 27…


Read More: What’s Wrong With Pennsylvania Higher Education

Government Accountability

Open Records Are Not Optional

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 19, 2008

Editors of The Morning Call criticize Allentown mayor Ed Pawlowski for attempting to keep the cost of police contract negotiations secret despite the city’s home rule charter which specifically…


Read More: Open Records Are Not Optional


Pittsburgh Faces Billions in Unfunded Retiree Benefits

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 18, 2008

The Allegheny Institute has released a report on the mounting costs of OPEB or the public sector retiree benefits for Pittsburgh and Allegheny County employees. Previously…


Read More: Pittsburgh Faces Billions in Unfunded Retiree Benefits

Taxes & Economy

New Power Lines Reduce Electricity Rates

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 17, 2008

The PUC recently approved a small portion (1.5 miles) of the Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line, Allegheny Energy is responsible for constructing 37.2 miles of the controversial 240 mile transmission line.


Read More: New Power Lines Reduce Electricity Rates

Government Accountability

Bailout Transparency Fading Fast

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 11, 2008

The Tribune-Review reports Bloomberg News has filed a FOIA and a federal lawsuit seeking to force the disclosure of recipients who received $2 trillion in emergency loans from…


Read More: Bailout Transparency Fading Fast


The Fight for Free Speech in Philadelphia

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 6, 2008

This week Americans exercised their right to vote, but three tour guides in Philadelphia are fighting to keep their right to free speech. In July three tour guides sued…


Read More: The Fight for Free Speech in Philadelphia