Elizabeth Stelle
Vice President of Policy
Elizabeth has researched and written on government reform, health care, welfare, energy, and government transparency. Her work has been featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Patriot-News, Philadelphia Inquirer, and a variety of radio and television programs throughout the commonwealth. Elizabeth is a graduate of Grove City College where she earned a bachelor’s degree in history.
A native of Ohio, Elizabeth makes her home in the Pittsburgh area with her husband and four children. She enjoys swimming, traveling to historic landmarks and exploring the moral foundations of capitalism.
Taxes & Economy
State College Debates a Drink Tax
The Tax Foundation exposes the poor logic behind a proposed drink tax targeted at “freeloading” PSU students. Local officials in State College would be wise to consider the fall…
Read More: State College Debates a Drink TaxRegulation
Funding Loans While Facing a Deficit?
The day after announcing more budget cuts, including a wage freeze, Governor Rendell announced $2 million in new state funded loans. So let…
Read More: Funding Loans While Facing a Deficit?Government Accountability
Transparency: Increase Government Efficiency for Free
The House Democratic Caucus has demonstrated fiscal responsibility by rejecting this year’s COLA’s. Maybe Dr. Stilp got through to them. But the bigger question is how much did Eachus…
Read More: Transparency: Increase Government Efficiency for FreeEducation
What’s Wrong With Pennsylvania Higher Education
In the midst of rising tuition, dwindling tax revenue, and a recession, the presidents of 13 state-owned colleges are collectively receiving $147,427 in raises, which would equal tuition for 27…
Read More: What’s Wrong With Pennsylvania Higher EducationGovernment Accountability
Open Records Are Not Optional
Editors of The Morning Call criticize Allentown mayor Ed Pawlowski for attempting to keep the cost of police contract negotiations secret despite the city’s home rule charter which specifically…
Read More: Open Records Are Not OptionalRegulation
Pittsburgh Faces Billions in Unfunded Retiree Benefits
The Allegheny Institute has released a report on the mounting costs of OPEB or the public sector retiree benefits for Pittsburgh and Allegheny County employees. Previously…
Read More: Pittsburgh Faces Billions in Unfunded Retiree BenefitsTaxes & Economy
New Power Lines Reduce Electricity Rates
The PUC recently approved a small portion (1.5 miles) of the Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line, Allegheny Energy is responsible for constructing 37.2 miles of the controversial 240 mile transmission line.
Read More: New Power Lines Reduce Electricity RatesGovernment Accountability
Bailout Transparency Fading Fast
The Tribune-Review reports Bloomberg News has filed a FOIA and a federal lawsuit seeking to force the disclosure of recipients who received $2 trillion in emergency loans from…
Read More: Bailout Transparency Fading FastEducation
PA Charter School Laws 12th Strongest in the Nation
The Center for Education Reform ranks Pennsylvania 12th out of 41 states in their 2008 survey of America’s Charter Schools. In…
Read More: PA Charter School Laws 12th Strongest in the NationRegulation
The Fight for Free Speech in Philadelphia
This week Americans exercised their right to vote, but three tour guides in Philadelphia are fighting to keep their right to free speech. In July three tour guides sued…
Read More: The Fight for Free Speech in PhiladelphiaTaxes & Economy
Closing the Gap: The Story of the Middle Class
While the middle class is more of a state of mind than a voting block, both presidential candidates are promising prosperity for these crucial voters. Obama talks about “a…
Read More: Closing the Gap: The Story of the Middle ClassState Budget
State Spending Cuts Continue
Governor Rendell has “discovered” an additional $111 million in spending cuts bringing the total up from $200 million to $311 million. The cuts are a result…
Read More: State Spending Cuts ContinueGovernment Accountability
Statewide Voter Guides
With less than a week before election day presidential candidate surveys and voter guides are everywhere, yet it can be difficult to find information on state candidates.
Read More: Statewide Voter GuidesTaxes & Economy
The Free Market = Cheaper Gas
Ben Lieberman of Heritage explains why the free market system is responsible for the recent decline in gasoline prices. “As summer turned to fall, sky-high pump prices in the…
Read More: The Free Market = Cheaper GasEducation
The Vatican Denies Collective Bargaining for Catholic Teachers
When the Bishop Joseph F. Martino refused to recognize the Scranton Diocese Association of Catholic Teachers as a collective bargaining unit the union took it’s…
Read More: The Vatican Denies Collective Bargaining for Catholic TeachersTaxes & Economy
Re-regulating Electricity
The Tribune-Review has an article breaking down the latest energy bill (HB2200). The bill seeks to regulate the “deregulation” process by: Mandating the installation of smart meters over a…
Read More: Re-regulating ElectricityTaxes & Economy
Rate Mitigation Debate Far From Over
In the past few weeks legislators have been negotiating to mitigate future electricity rate increases once rate caps expire. Here’s the details: The Governor and assembly leaders…
Read More: Rate Mitigation Debate Far From OverGovernment Accountability
Down with the Senate?
Rep. Rich Grucela introduced a measure to eliminate the Pennsylvania Senate. Pennsylvania has functioned under a bi-cameral legislature since 1790, but Rep. Grucela is frustrated with…
Read More: Down with the Senate?Government Accountability
Update: State Spending Transparency
A reader emailed to ask if there are examples of states with online spending databases. Indeed states across the country are adopting transparency legislation while state officials and think tanks…
Read More: Update: State Spending TransparencyGovernment Accountability
Failure of Reform: Who’s to Blame?
Brad Bumsted in the Tribune-Review reports on the inability of the General Assembly to pass reform legislation this session. The Senate is blaming the House for failing to act…
Read More: Failure of Reform: Who’s to Blame?Taxes & Economy
Bailout Bandwagon – The Rendell Plan
As hope for the proposed Turnpike Lease dwindles, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell is asking Congress to add $100 billion in transportation money to the $700 billion bailout deal.
Read More: Bailout Bandwagon – The Rendell Plan