Elizabeth Stelle

Director of Policy Analysis

Elizabeth Stelle is the Director of Policy Analysis at the Commonwealth Foundation.

Elizabeth has researched and written on government reform, health care, welfare, energy, and government transparency. Her work has been featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Patriot-News, Philadelphia Inquirer, and a variety of radio and television programs throughout the commonwealth. Elizabeth is a graduate of Grove City College where she earned a bachelor’s degree in history.

A native of Ohio, Elizabeth makes her home in the Pittsburgh area with her husband and four children. She enjoys swimming, traveling to historic landmarks and exploring the moral foundations of capitalism.

Health Care

House Takes Step Towards Transformative Welfare Reform

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 10, 2018

Lawmakers took a significant step towards strengthening human service programs today. The House Health Committee passed HB 2138 with bipartisan support to restore the dignity of work for people…


Read More: House Takes Step Towards Transformative Welfare Reform

Health Care

What’s the Goal of Welfare Reform?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 6, 2018

Pennsylvania's welfare system focuses on how much one needs to “get by” or how many different services and programs one can qualify for. These are well-intentioned attitudes that stem from…


Read More: What’s the Goal of Welfare Reform?


The State of Natural Gas in Pa.

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 3, 2018

Pennsylvania’s regulatory and tax environment is stunting job growth and deterring investment. A decade after the Marcellus Shale boom, lawmakers are still debating how to tax the industry instead of…

Fact Sheet

Read More: The State of Natural Gas in Pa.

Taxes & Economy

More Dependency Isn’t the Answer to PA Poverty

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 28, 2018

Department of Human Services (DHS) Secretary Teresa Miller wants more people on food stamps (or SNAP). In a hearing with the Senate Appropriations Committee, she argued that because the program…


Read More: More Dependency Isn’t the Answer to PA Poverty

Health Care

Missing the Mark in Medicaid

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 15, 2018

When it comes to welfare, state government asks the wrong question. That’s the premise of Rep. Kerry Benninghoff’s views on welfare reform in the latest Brews and Views podcast.


Read More: Missing the Mark in Medicaid

Health Care

Pressure Mounts to Create a Pathway to Prosperity in Medicaid

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 8, 2018

During state budget hearings this week, Pennsylvanians learned some unwelcome news about healthy adults added to Medicaid under the Obamacare expansion: less than half are working. The Department of Human Services (DHS)…


Read More: Pressure Mounts to Create a Pathway to Prosperity in Medicaid

Health Care

Improving Medicaid through Work & Community Engagement

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 2, 2018

For the first time, the federal government is allowing states to require recipients to pursue work, education, or community engagement to maintain Medicaid benefits. With wide support in Pennsylvania, this…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Improving Medicaid through Work & Community Engagement

Taxes & Economy

Minimum Wage Hike Short-Changes Teens

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 15, 2018

Higher minimum wages have driven a decline in teenage employment since 2000, according to the Mercatus Center. . . . higher minimum wages are associated with a lower…


Read More: Minimum Wage Hike Short-Changes Teens

Taxes & Economy

Disco Governor Wants Money, Money, Money

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Gordon Tomb
  • February 7, 2018

Money, money, money/Always sunny/In a rich man’s world. Sung by ABBA in 1976. A governing mantra of Tom Wolf in 2018. More tax dollars seem to be Gov. Wolf's answer…


Read More: Disco Governor Wants Money, Money, Money

State Budget

Lawmakers Call for Common Sense Spending Plan

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 2, 2018

In advance of next week's budget address by the governor, 10 House lawmakers held a press conference on Thursday to offer positive budget solutions. The Common Sense Caucus brought attention to…


Read More: Lawmakers Call for Common Sense Spending Plan


ESAs Empower Parents, Protect Public Schools

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 22, 2018

It's National School Choice Week and this year Pennsylvania lawmakers have an incredible opportunity to help students trapped in failing schools. SB 2 holds the lowest performing schools…


Read More: ESAs Empower Parents, Protect Public Schools


Lifting PA’s Heavy Regulatory Burdens

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 17, 2018

Tackling one regulation at a time, House lawmakers released a regulatory overreach report aimed at responsibly lightening the commonwealth's heavy regulatory burden. It takes 18 weeks to read the Pennsylvania…


Read More: Lifting PA’s Heavy Regulatory Burdens

Health Care

States Get Green Light to Propose Medicaid Work Requirements

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 11, 2018

It's official: The Trump administration has formally endorsed the policy of work requirements for healthy Medicaid recipients. For years states have sought this flexibility to help beneficiaries of Medicaid—government-run health insurance…


Read More: States Get Green Light to Propose Medicaid Work Requirements

Taxes & Economy

Lawmakers Seek to Restore Dignity of Work

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 3, 2018

In the first press conference of 2018, House Republicans introduced a package of bills aimed at breaking generational poverty. Rep. Tobash urged reform given the desperate state of…


Read More: Lawmakers Seek to Restore Dignity of Work

Health Care

Obamacare Exchanges Continue To Dissapoint

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 14, 2017

Open enrollment for Obamacare exchange plans ends on December 15. It is convenient to blame the new administration and efforts to repeal the law for dwindling choices, disappointing enrollment, and…


Read More: Obamacare Exchanges Continue To Dissapoint


Impact of Education Savings Accounts Under SB 2

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 11, 2017

In Pennsylvania, tens of thousands of children are trapped in failing schools. While current programs such as tax credit scholarships and charter schools help, they cannot meet families’ demands for…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Impact of Education Savings Accounts Under SB 2


How to Combat Harrisburg School Violence

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 4, 2017

“I have been kicked, punched, hit, scratched. I've had a student physically restraining me in front of my other students…. And many of the personal things that I have bought for…


Read More: How to Combat Harrisburg School Violence


Making PA Competitive Again

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 30, 2017

Lower post-recession unemployment & labor force participation rates are hopeful signs for a historically-weak economy, but without permanent policy changes, other states will continue to surpass Pennsylvania’s economic performance. At…


Read More: Making PA Competitive Again

Public Union Democracy

Ending Taxpayer-Funded Collection of Campaign Contributions

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Jessica Barnett
  • November 21, 2017

The House State Government Committee recently advanced SB 166, which restores integrity to an unfair system by stopping taxpayer-funded collection and distribution of campaign contributions for any entity. We explain…


Read More: Ending Taxpayer-Funded Collection of Campaign Contributions

The 2017-18 Budget Comes to an End: Here’s What You Need to Know

  • Bob Dick, Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 9, 2017

Pennsylvania’s four-month budget battle has come to an end, thanks to an assortment of targeted tax hikes and fee increases along with borrowing and one-time transfers. Unfortunately, lawmakers and the…


Read More: The 2017-18 Budget Comes to an End: Here’s What You Need to Know