Elizabeth Stelle
Vice President of Policy
Elizabeth has researched and written on government reform, health care, welfare, energy, and government transparency. Her work has been featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Patriot-News, Philadelphia Inquirer, and a variety of radio and television programs throughout the commonwealth. Elizabeth is a graduate of Grove City College where she earned a bachelor’s degree in history.
A native of Ohio, Elizabeth makes her home in the Pittsburgh area with her husband and four children. She enjoys swimming, traveling to historic landmarks and exploring the moral foundations of capitalism.
Can Environmental Mandates Reverse Pittsburgh’s Decline?
President Trump summed up his opposition to the Paris Climate Accord by saying he was elected to represent Pittsburgh, not Paris. In response, Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto issued an…
Read More: Can Environmental Mandates Reverse Pittsburgh’s Decline?Regulation
Policy Memo: Pension Reform in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania’s $71 billion unfunded pension liability is unsustainable for taxpayers and puts public employees at risk. Without timely reform, pension payments will crowd out funding for other services, property taxes will…
Read More: Policy Memo: Pension Reform in PennsylvaniaRegulation
5 Reasons to Enact Pension Reform Now
Pennsylvania is on the brink of transformative pension reform. Under SB 1, new school teachers and state employees, including new lawmakers and judges, would automatically be enrolled in a…
Read More: 5 Reasons to Enact Pension Reform NowRegulation
Policy Memo: Pension Reform in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania’s $71 billion unfunded pension liability is unsustainable for taxpayers and puts public employees at risk. Without timely reform, pension payments will crowd out funding for other services, property taxes…
Read More: Policy Memo: Pension Reform in PennsylvaniaTaxes & Economy
Moving From Welfare to Work
Last week state house lawmakers gathered to gain a better understanding of the challenges people face when moving from the welfare system to work. Chief among those challenges is a…
Read More: Moving From Welfare to WorkHealth Care
Obamacare Repeal Could Strengthen Medicaid
There is no shortage of dire warnings from the press, medical industry lobbyists, and other left-leaning organizations about the American Health Care Act's (AHCA) landmark Medicaid reforms. At the…
Read More: Obamacare Repeal Could Strengthen MedicaidHealth Care
Five Pre-Existing Condition Myths Debunked
What happens when Obamacare mandates drive insurance companies out of the marketplace? One breast cancer survivor in Maricopa County, Arizona—which lost all but one Obamacare…
Read More: Five Pre-Existing Condition Myths DebunkedGovernment Accountability
Paycheck Protection Closes Corruption Loophole
Philly Corruption All-Stars, that's the title of the recent Philadelphia Citizen series featuring a decade-by-decade rundown of the most corrupt city politicians. Philadelphia and Pennsylvania's reputation for political corruption…
Read More: Paycheck Protection Closes Corruption LoopholeHealth Care
Latest Obamacare Repeal Effort Full of Opportunity
As the past seven years have shown, no one in Congress is qualified to make healthcare decisions for Pennsylvanians. The latest version of the American Health Care Act will give…
Read More: Latest Obamacare Repeal Effort Full of OpportunityTaxes & Economy
Pennsylvania’s Self-Inflicted Lobotomy
Every day, 36 college graduates flee Pennsylvania for better opportunities in other states, according to a new Independent Fiscal Office trends report. Overall, there was a net outflow of…
Read More: Pennsylvania’s Self-Inflicted LobotomyEducation
Ten Reasons for Optimism
This week state lawmakers advanced a plethora of good policy, from legislation to finally end the government liquor monopoly to a bill that would improve health care in rural areas.
Read More: Ten Reasons for Optimism
After Obamacare: Myths & Facts
Will people lose insurance? Will hospitals lose money? Are jobs going to be lost? The truth of Obamacare repeal is more optimistic. …
Read More: After Obamacare: Myths & FactsHealth Care
A New Wave of Welfare Reform
Governors across the country are proposing game-changing welfare reforms and Pennsylvania should follow their example. Yesterday, Maine submitted a waiver to the federal government asking for permission…
Read More: A New Wave of Welfare ReformRegulation
Following Zippo’s Lead on Pensions
Zippo’s recent retirement plan transition is another example of why Pennsylvania state government should do the same. As Zippo CFO Don Hall said, defined contribution plans like 401(k)s carry…
Read More: Following Zippo’s Lead on PensionsHealth Care
Reforming Medicaid Is a Moral Imperative
Note: This op-ed was originally published in the Lancaster LNP. Do you know someone who desperately needs medical care but can’t access it? Few things are more heartbreaking. Helping people…
Read More: Reforming Medicaid Is a Moral ImperativeHealth Care
7 Ways to Fix Health Care on the 7th Anniversary of Obamacare
Seven years ago, Obamacare became the law of the land. Later today, the US House is scheduled to vote on a controversial repeal and replace bill. While the outcome in Washington…
Read More: 7 Ways to Fix Health Care on the 7th Anniversary of ObamacareRegulation
Senate Prepares New Pension Reform Bill
The state Senate is preparing to introduce a pension reform bill nearly identical to the compromise bill that fell three House votes short last fall. Senator Pat Browne and Majority…
Read More: Senate Prepares New Pension Reform BillHealth Care
Policy Points: After ObamaCare
Obamacare increased the number of people holding insurance cards but failed to increase access to quality and affordable health services. It’s time to put patients, not government bureaucrats, in charge…
Fact Sheet
Read More: Policy Points: After ObamaCareRegulation
Policy Memo: The Downside of Raising the Minimum Wage
In February, Gov. Wolf proposed raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $12, claiming a higher minimum wage will raise revenue, reduce welfare participation and spur job growth. These claims are…
Read More: Policy Memo: The Downside of Raising the Minimum WageTaxes & Economy
What the Soda Tax Can Teach us About the Budget
The high costs of Philadelphia's soda tax are mounting by the week. The Philadelphia Inquirer is reporting a 30-50 percent drop in beverage sales for some supermarkets and distributors.
Read More: What the Soda Tax Can Teach us About the Budget
Shifting the Budget Paradigm with Five Reforms
What if, instead of viewing bills as non-negotiable, we actually asked “why” spending keeps rising? From duplicate programs to politically favored businesses to operational redundancies, the cost-drivers in the state…
Read More: Shifting the Budget Paradigm with Five Reforms