More Bad News for Minority Students in Philadelphia Public Schools
How are African-American males faring in Philadelphia public schools? According to a report recently released by the Council of Great City Schools, not very well. The report, “A Call…
Read More: More Bad News for Minority Students in Philadelphia Public SchoolsTaxes & Economy
Marcellus Shale Job Creation Continues
A recent Williamsport Sun-Gazette article gives props to the natural gas industry for being an economic boost, and keeping unemployment relatively low in Bradford County, a central hub for…
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Retiring state legislators decline comment on pensions
Media Hit
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So Long, Specter
The Washington Examiner‘s Tim Carney today reviews Democrat Sen. Arlen Specter’s farewell speech to the U.S. Senate, and characterizes it as “20 minutes of self-serving gripes, empty name-calling,…
Read More: So Long, SpecterTaxes & Economy
Skewed Poll on Gas Drilling
A recent survey by the Civil Society Institute is so misleading that even professional skewed poll creators PennFuture and Gov. Rendell can pick up tips. The only…
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Private Liquor Stores: A Reason for Cheers
Media Hit
Read More: Private Liquor Stores: A Reason for CheersEducation
Report: School Choice Could Save PA Tax Dollars
The Foundation for Educational Choice has a new analysis out, suggesting that the federal “Race to the Top” (RTTP) funding from the stimulus bill should be used to…
Read More: Report: School Choice Could Save PA Tax Dollars