Pennsylvania is the birthplace of the modern energy industry and a pivotal global energy supplier. American energy independence and global energy market security rely on Pennsylvanian energy. Today’s hyper-polarized politics and environmental radicalism too often mislead Pennsylvanians by presenting them with false choices for our energy future. It does not have to be this way.

Pennsylvania can have a bright, market-driven energy future where:

  • Energy is reliable and affordable
  • Commonsense management and stewardship protect the environment
  • Pennsylvanians are free to innovate and address energy and environmental challenges responsibly
  • Pennsylvania’s families and businesses benefit from its abundance of natural resources
  • Pennsylvania leads the way to secure American energy independence and dominance in the global marketplace


Nate Benefield on The Dawn Stensland Show: Common Ground Poll Breakdown

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 18, 2024

The juxtaposition between the lack of support for Shapiro’s budget proposal (29%) and the massive support for his unfulfilled campaign promises—like Lifeline Scholarships (77%), lowering the business tax rate (81%),…

Media Hit

Read More: Nate Benefield on The Dawn Stensland Show: Common Ground Poll Breakdown


Governor’s campaign slogans won’t fix Pa.

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 8, 2024

Originally published at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Though elected in 2022, Gov. Josh Shapiro remains stuck in campaign mode, offering one empty platitude after another while avoiding the hard work…

Media Hit

Read More: Governor’s campaign slogans won’t fix Pa.


PACER & PRESS Analysis

  • André Béliveau
  • April 1, 2024

Overview Gov. Josh Shapiro campaigned on a healthy skepticism of carbon taxes before proposing his own carbon tax scheme. His new energy agenda centers around the Pennsylvania Climate…

Fact Sheet

Read More: PACER & PRESS Analysis


Pennsylvania Governor Flirts with Reckless ‘Green’ Initiatives

  • March 28, 2024

Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro is attempting to rebrand big-government environmental programs that threaten “the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians and the economic vitality of one of the nation’s…

Press Release

Read More: Pennsylvania Governor Flirts with Reckless ‘Green’ Initiatives


Pennsylvania Governor Flirts with Reckless ‘Green’ Initiatives

  • André Béliveau
  • March 27, 2024

Originally published at National Review In efforts to keep the war drums of climate alarmism beating, Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro is employing one reckless acronym after another: RGGI, PACER, and…

Media Hit

Read More: Pennsylvania Governor Flirts with Reckless ‘Green’ Initiatives


Shapiro’s Senseless Expansion of Alternative Energy

  • Gordon Tomb
  • March 26, 2024

Originally published at Delaware Valley Journal In 2004, Pennsylvania implemented one of the most aggressive mandates to adopt wind and solar energy. At the time, less than 1 percent…

Media Hit

Read More: Shapiro’s Senseless Expansion of Alternative Energy


André Béliveau on the Dawn Stensland Show 3.25.2024

  • André Béliveau
  • March 25, 2024

A significant majority of Pennsylvania voters (80 percent) say their household energy bills have increased over the past two years, including 34 percent who say their bills have increased “a…

Media Hit

Read More: André Béliveau on the Dawn Stensland Show 3.25.2024


Avoiding Deadly Blackouts

  • David Wojick
  • March 25, 2024

Summary Pennsylvania urgently needs a plan to restore grid reliability and prevent electricity blackouts from extreme cold weather. Winter Storm Elliot in 2022 almost brought widespread blackouts, but it was…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Avoiding Deadly Blackouts


Governor Shapiro’s Disastrous Carbon Tax Hurts Families, Breaks Promises

  • March 13, 2024

Harrisburg, Pa., March 13, 2024 — Today, Gov. Josh Shapiro announced plans for an economy-wide “cap-and-invest” carbon pricing program, the Pennsylvania Climate Emissions Reduction Act (PACER)—a massive new tax that would substantially…

Press Release

Read More: Governor Shapiro’s Disastrous Carbon Tax Hurts Families, Breaks Promises


Some Pa. Democrats are pushing back against eco-fundamentalism

  • Jennifer Stefano
  • February 28, 2024

Originally published at The Hill In a sign of how far left the Democratic Party has veered, once-avowed progressives are now hesitant to embrace eco-fundamentalism — the dogmatic ideology that…

Media Hit

Read More: Some Pa. Democrats are pushing back against eco-fundamentalism


Biden’s Electric Bus to Nowhere

  • André Béliveau
  • February 20, 2024

Originally published at Delaware Valley Journal Pennsylvania lore talks of the fabled bus to nowhere—a mythical vehicle that provides rides to lost souls. And, by the looks of it,…

Media Hit

Read More: Biden’s Electric Bus to Nowhere


Gov. Shapiro’s budget shoves Pennsylvania in the wrong direction

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 17, 2024

Originally published at The Patriot-News Pennsylvania’s population is shrinking as working-age families move away to other states. State policymakers’ most important challenge is how to make our commonwealth…

Media Hit

Read More: Gov. Shapiro’s budget shoves Pennsylvania in the wrong direction


How states can lead the charge on energy affordability and reliability

  • André Béliveau
  • February 16, 2024

Originally published at the Washington Examiner To challenge the Left’s environmental radicalism, we need a prudent vision for an environmentally friendly but reliable electric grid that delivers…

Media Hit

Read More: How states can lead the charge on energy affordability and reliability


If Josh Shapiro wants to compete with Ohio, he needs to imitate Ohio

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 12, 2024

Originally published at The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Gov. Josh Shapiro is right: Pennsylvania is losing to Ohio. In the last two years, Pennsylvania witnessed a net loss of 2,425 residents and…

Media Hit

Read More: If Josh Shapiro wants to compete with Ohio, he needs to imitate Ohio