Media Hit

Shapiro’s Role in Rising Energy Prices
Originally published at RealClearPennsylvania
Gov. Josh Shapiro seems concerned about Pennsylvanians’ energy bills – and rightfully so. The average Pennsylvania electricity bill has increased by more than 30% in the past four years.
But rather than address the root causes of high energy prices, Shapiro prefers the blame game. The governor recently filed a federal complaint against PJM Interconnection LLC, claiming the regional transmission organization was gouging ratepayers.
Assuredly, PJM is no saint, but neither is Shapiro. The governor has done nothing to address energy affordability and the underlying forces driving up costs. If anything, he has only fueled higher costs and further stressed the electrical grid’s reliability. If he wants to cut costs, Shapiro must rethink his energy policies.
Read more at RealClearPennsylvania