Health Care
Instead of a ‘Public Option’, We Need a ‘Personal Option’
Originally published at RealClearHealth Health care is a mess—and our political leaders aren’t helping. Presidential candidates only offer vague ideas to address our health care problems. From former President…
Read More: Instead of a ‘Public Option’, We Need a ‘Personal Option’Under Obamacare, Pennsylvania families have been forced to pay more for health care, and more than 800,000 Pennsylvania adults have received taxpayer-funded health coverage through a broken Medicaid system. Without Congressional action, states are unable to carry the full burden of Obamacare on their own. However, state policymakers can focus their own reform efforts on giving patients more control over health care and restoring Medicaid as a safety-net program. Access to health care should be measured, not by the number of those with insurance, but by the ability of individuals to independently secure the affordable, reliable care they deserve.
Health Care
Judge overturns Wal-Mart law
AP Story on the overturning of Maryland’s “Wal-Mart” Health Care law. This law would have required all businesses with 10,000 or more workers to spend at least 8% of…
Read More: Judge overturns Wal-Mart lawHealth Care
$1 Trillion Shock Awaits States, Local Governments
Joe Mysak asks on Bloomberg.com: “How much is it going to cost states and localities to pay for public employees’ health care and insurance after they retire? “Try between…
Read More: $1 Trillion Shock Awaits States, Local GovernmentsHealth Care
Accounting rule could bust state budgets
Stateline.org highlights the coming fiscal crisis in the states when governments are required to recognize medical benefits liabilities. Excerpt… Just when states found some breathing room after years…
Read More: Accounting rule could bust state budgetsHealth Care
Reduce Health Insurance Cost Through Competition
NCPA Analysis of how allowing insurers to offer healthcare coverage across state boundaries would reduce the cost of insurance. Examining only a handful of states, they find a discrepancy…
Read More: Reduce Health Insurance Cost Through CompetitionHealth Care
“Fair-Share Health Care”: Big Labor’s Assault on Profitable Job Providers
Remember the old saying “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”? When it comes to the ongoing war between Wal-Mart and Big Labor, it has turned into “If you can’t…
Read More: “Fair-Share Health Care”: Big Labor’s Assault on Profitable Job ProvidersHealth Care
Health care for everyone?
Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney writes in today’s Wall Street Journal that he believes he’s found a way to provide health care for everyone, with “no new taxes, no employer…
Read More: Health care for everyone?Health Care
Health benefit costs
Th Bucks County Courier Times looks at the healthcare benefits crisis… Good health comes at hefty cost to taxpayers “Biting the bullet’ at public systems Public…
Read More: Health benefit costsEducation
A government big enough to give you everything you want …
There is a theory (articulate in a piece by Mark Bauerlein) that left-wing academics are engrossed in large scale group think, that when large numbers of the radical left…
Read More: A government big enough to give you everything you want …Education
“Living in an alternate universe”
The Brownsville Area School District recently voted to give administrators some retirement benefits that no private sector would even consider–Nine years of free healthcare insurance for retiring early. As The…
Read More: “Living in an alternate universe”Health Care
Maryland’s Wal-Mart Bill: Coming to PA?
From the National Federation of Independent Businesses… Maryland lawmakers voted this week to over-ride a veto by Gov. Robert Erlich of a bill that will force Wal-Mart and other companies…
Read More: Maryland’s Wal-Mart Bill: Coming to PA?Health Care
Maryland Senate seeks control over Wal-Mart
The Maryland Senate voted to override the governor’s veto of the “Wal-Mart Bill” (Financial News – Yahoo! Finance), so called because it applies only to one company in the…
Read More: Maryland Senate seeks control over Wal-MartHealth Care
Free lifetime health care will be costly
The growing tab for taxpayer-funded benefits, in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.
Read More: Free lifetime health care will be costlyHealth Care
Preferred Drug Lists (PDLs)
Governor Ed Rendell has proposed a Medicaid “Preferred Drug List” (PDL) as a means to address Pennsylvania’s welfare spending problem. PDLs limit the availability of drugs to Medicaid recipients and…
Fact Sheet
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Diagnosis Litigation
Despite a number of obstacles limiting access to affordable insurance, America’s healthcare system remains the envy of the world. But as the current medical malpractice insurance epidemic raging across the…
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