Health Care
Instead of a ‘Public Option’, We Need a ‘Personal Option’
Originally published at RealClearHealth Health care is a mess—and our political leaders aren’t helping. Presidential candidates only offer vague ideas to address our health care problems. From former President…
Read More: Instead of a ‘Public Option’, We Need a ‘Personal Option’Under Obamacare, Pennsylvania families have been forced to pay more for health care, and more than 800,000 Pennsylvania adults have received taxpayer-funded health coverage through a broken Medicaid system. Without Congressional action, states are unable to carry the full burden of Obamacare on their own. However, state policymakers can focus their own reform efforts on giving patients more control over health care and restoring Medicaid as a safety-net program. Access to health care should be measured, not by the number of those with insurance, but by the ability of individuals to independently secure the affordable, reliable care they deserve.
Health Care
Cyber Charter School Teachers Speak Out
Pennsylvania parents who may not have given any consideration to cyber public charter schools previously are doing that now in the wake of the coronavirus. This has the education establishment upset…
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Understanding Cyber Charter Schools
Misconceptions abound when it comes to cyber charter schools—and opponents use that confusion to attack this important option. In the current era of school shutdowns, it's more important than ever…
Fact Sheet
Read More: Understanding Cyber Charter SchoolsHealth Care
Stories of Hope and Flourishing in Pennsylvania during COVID-19
It’s all too easy to fall into the pit of bad news these days. But thankfully, people and markets are creative and charitable, especially in tough times. Here are some…
Read More: Stories of Hope and Flourishing in Pennsylvania during COVID-19Health Care
Pennsylvania Can Beat COVID-19. Here’s How
It’s a thin tightrope to walk, but lawmakers must balance policies that keep Pennsylvanians safe with those that empower medical workers, protect the health care supply chain, and …
Read More: Pennsylvania Can Beat COVID-19. Here’s HowEducation
How to Enroll in Cyber School
Parents, if you’re anything like our family, you’re probably considering certain education options for your kids for the first time. As schools across the state work to develop remote…
Read More: How to Enroll in Cyber SchoolEducation
A Time for Choosing: Systems or Kids?
In this time of crisis, teachers and parents are working to ensure children can continue to learn. But new legislation cuts off funding for parents seeking cyber education for their…
Read More: A Time for Choosing: Systems or Kids?Education
Pa. Lawmakers can Help Families and Businesses Overcome COVID-19
March 25, 2020, Harrisburg, Pa. — Today, Commonwealth Foundation released a package of key policy solutions to help reduce the harm caused by COVID-19 and the response to it.
Press Release
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Welcome to the Homeschool Club!
New homeschoolers, try to relax and enjoy this unexpected time with your kids. While there may be some things they don’t learn now that they would have learned in a…
Read More: Welcome to the Homeschool Club!Health Care
Policy Recommendations to Fight COVID-19 in Pennsylvania
As Pennsylvania faces its greatest crisis in decades, it is imperative that legislators take the lead and enact key heath care, education, and budget reforms to help Pennsylvania families and small…
Fact Sheet
Read More: Policy Recommendations to Fight COVID-19 in PennsylvaniaEducation
Parent to Parent: 3 Keys to Stay Sane and Healthy During COVID-19
If you haven’t been living under a rock, you know all Pennsylvania public schools have been closed. What do parents and educators need to know?…
Read More: Parent to Parent: 3 Keys to Stay Sane and Healthy During COVID-19Health Care
Recommendations to Ease Mounting Healthcare Burden
March 16, 2020, Harrisburg, Pa. — The Pennsylvania State Legislature should prioritize flexible medical care as it returns to session this week aiming to mitigate the spread of the novel…
Press Release
Read More: Recommendations to Ease Mounting Healthcare BurdenHealth Care
No Easy Pass This Year on Cost Overruns
Legislators are questioning the administration's chronic overspending habit, but they aren't getting many answers.
Read More: No Easy Pass This Year on Cost OverrunsHealth Care
Gov. Wolf Should Unleash Pennsylvanians’ Ingenuity to Improve Medicaid
It’s time for Pennsylvania to pursue proven ways of improving the quality of Medicaid services, while reducing the burden on taxpayers.
Read More: Gov. Wolf Should Unleash Pennsylvanians’ Ingenuity to Improve MedicaidHealth Care
Where Have All the Human Service Dollars Gone?
Nearly half of Pennsylvania's budget goes to human services or welfare. Governor Wolf wants to increase human service spending by $1.4 billion next year. But how well are these programs…
Read More: Where Have All the Human Service Dollars Gone?Health Care
The Administrative Cost of Community Engagement Requirements in Medicaid
This is the first in a series of policy briefs looking at the common objections to implementing community engagement requirements, or work expectations, for healthy adults receiving benefits under Medicaid…
Fact Sheet
Read More: The Administrative Cost of Community Engagement Requirements in MedicaidHealth Care
Sen. Martin Introduces Bill to Protect Safety Net
Steve Blazer of Surge Staffing is taking an unusual approach to filling hundreds of open warehouse positions: attending job fairs at state prisons. Steve’s struggle to find workers is…
Read More: Sen. Martin Introduces Bill to Protect Safety NetHealth Care
Work Requirements Can Help Solve Pa.’s Workforce Challenges
The mismatch between job openings, workers’ skills, and workers’ expectations is a hot topic in the national and state media. As our CEO Charles Mitchell pointed out…
Read More: Work Requirements Can Help Solve Pa.’s Workforce ChallengesCriminal Justice Reform
Pennsylvania State Budget Trends
On February 5, Governor Wolf will lay out his proposal for the 2019-20 state budget. Here are some key facts on spending trends, last year’s enacted budget, and challenges going…
Fact Sheet
Read More: Pennsylvania State Budget TrendsHealth Care
Arkansas Latest to Demonstrate Power of Work Over Poverty
Once again, incomes are rising, tax revenue is up, and welfare enrollment is shrinking thanks to work requirements. A recent analysis from the Foundation for Government Accountability finds Arkansas’s…
Read More: Arkansas Latest to Demonstrate Power of Work Over PovertyHealth Care
Federal Food Stamp Fix Good Fit for Pa.
Jobs and money form the foundation of many a New Year’s resolution. Now, due to proposed federal SNAP (food stamp) changes, hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians could experience a brighter…
Read More: Federal Food Stamp Fix Good Fit for Pa.Health Care
Affordable Care Act Struggles Continue: Sarah’s Health Care Story
Sarah is a social service worker from Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, where she and her husband also homeschool their four young children. For four years her family received insurance through Medicaid.
Read More: Affordable Care Act Struggles Continue: Sarah’s Health Care Story