Legislative Reform on Tap?
The new House Rules proposals being put forward by House Republicans for the full membership to vote include:
· Limiting the Hours of Session Operation: a rule would mandate session be limited to be between 8am and 10pm.
· Amendments can only be added at Second Consideration: in order to allow further public debate and discussion, a proposed change to the system would mandate all amendments to a bill be added by its second reading to the Chamber, which in effect will lead to a 24-hour waiting period before final vote.
· Conference Committee Report waiting period: to ensure full and better understanding of what is contained in final conference committee reports, a waiting period of 24 hours before a vote to adopt or reject conference committee reports would be mandated.
· Committee structure: this reform is aimed at having the makeup of committees better reflect the actual composition of the House; this rule in effect would divide legislative committees equally between the parties and split the chairmanships evenly.