Turnpike Disavows “Mystery letter”
The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission denies that a letter from an unknown organization PA Coalition for Sound Transportation Policy is really a front for turnpike officials (Pittsburgh Tribune-Review story).
Toll Roads News reports that the letter, which is unsigned, presents PA Coalition for Sound Transportation Policy as “a statewide group of individuals, businesses and organizations” though no individuals, businesses or organizations are named. Toll Roads News also reports that “An unofficial source at the Turnpike tells us PennDrive is a creation of lobbyists paid by the Turnpike Commission.”
One of the three lobbyist firms retained by the Turnpike Commission to lobby the governor and lawmakers, the Bravo Group, denies creating the letter. The Turnpike Commission has also retained the firm of Hallowell and Branstetter (including Mike Long, former chief of staff to Bob Jubelirer) and former state senator Joe Loeper as lobbyists.