Pennsylvania Turnpike Is One of the Country’s Least Cost-Efficient Toll Roads
They also analyze the study produced, at taxpayer expense, for House Democrats, concluding:
Reason finds the Democratic Caucus study assumes, with complete certainty, that the ACT 44 plan to toll I-80 will generate $26.4 million even though it is highly unlikely the federal government will approve the plan to toll I-80. If the feds reject this plan, as many observers expect, the only certain proceeds under Act 44 would be worth $7 billion, which is likely to be far less than what a Turnpike lease would produce.
They also conclude that “tolls on the Turnpike will actually be higher under Act 44, where toll increases will be unlimited, than under a lease with a private company, where toll increases will be legally capped by the long-term lease agreement.”
Click here for the full report.