Less than 40 hours to help us meet our goal!

UPDATE from the Commonwealth Foundation

$1,315 needed for “40in40” Challenge!

With only 40 hours left in 2008, we are $1,315 shy of meeting our “40in40” Challenge and ringing in 2009 with a thunderous signal of strength to the enemies of that which we cherish.

If we meet the “40in40” Challenge by raising $40,000 before midnight on Dec. 31st, a generous philanthropist will reward our effort with another $40,000.

Meeting this goal is crucial to keeping the torch of freedom burning brightly. There are some who believe (and hope) that Pennsylvania is trending irreversibly toward Big Government socialism.

How sweet it will be to prove them wrong!

Please make a contribution before midnight tomorrow!

Have a Happy New Year!

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Three easy ways to contribute.

1. Go to https://commonwealthfoundation.org/contribute and download a contribution form to mail us a check.

2. Go to https://commonwealthfoundation.org/contribute and send us your contribution via our PayPal account.

3. Call Amy at 717.671.1901 to give us a gift with a major credit card.