Liquor Lies Dropping Like Flies
State-run liquor store advocates are watching as their most commonly trumpeted arguments drop like flies in recent weeks.
- First there’s the debunking of the erroneous claim that government-run liquor stores bring in lots of cash for the state. As PA Independent reported, the PLCB has a negative balance that if left unchecked, may require higher wine and spirits prices for consumers.
- Then, Pennsylvania’s liquor store union bosses were called out by Dr. Antony Davies who used the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data to disprove the union’s arguments that government in the booze business keeps us safer.
- Finally, the PLCB proved its own oft-stated mission to, “bring exactly what customers are saying they want – convenience” is a joke. The PLCB shocked state and local officials and business leaders recently by pulling the plug, without warning, on a historic Main Street, Honesdale store in favor of an out-of -town location 60 percent more expensive to lease. In fact, a local citizen interviewed by the Wayne Independent noted PLCB Chairman Joe Conti gave the impression that he “just doesn’t give a sh**” what elected officials and business leaders thought about the store closing.
In case you’ve forgotten, Joe Conti is a former lawmaker who previously co-sponsored legislation to privatize the liquor stores. He later denied working towards privatization after becoming PLCB Chairman—a previously non-existent position created for him under Gov. Ed Rendell—and is now under investigation by the Inspector General’s Office for unethically accepting gifts and favors.
The facts are clear, government in the booze business is a lose business. To learn more, check out our Policy Memo on liquor privatization facts and visit to take action.