Czars of Zinfandel Pour More Down Drain
Need some Zeppelin with your zinfandel, Coldplay with your chardonnay or Seger with your Seagrams? Well, wait no more music and driving fans, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board has a whole lotta love for wasting your tax dollars and they’ve made another little “investment” for you.
For the ripe price of $21,000, the Maestros of Malbec offered your tax dollars to streaming music service Pandora in order to “reach our customers with information regarding sales and products,” boasted a PLCB spokesperson.
Ahhh yes, we can see it now, millions of Pennsylvanians cranking up some tunes and heading to their nearest state-run liquor monopoly for some booze and cruise. Perhaps those millions of tax dollars spent by the PLCB on advertising and promoting alcohol this year will be counterbalanced by more of your tax dollars given to local law enforcement and college campuses for alcohol education programs? Can anyone say conflict of interest there?
But no bother bourbon and Bieber brothers, the Barons of Bordeaux buckle for nobody. Wine Shrines, kiosk catastrophes and Inspector General investigations be darned, full government control must and will continue with the beatings until morale improves. Until then, stay thirsty my comrades.